
There is no doubt in the fact that getting good marks is important. Your academics are the objective representation of your performance in college. After all, you have invested so many resources to get yourself enrolled in your dream college and if that not to gain knowledge then what is it for.

A few things that are as important as your academics,

  1. Your General Well Being

  2. The People You Care About

  3. Connections and Skill

Surely, the things that you learn in class would help you a lot when you step into the real world after graduating. But there are other things also such as the practical skills like that of money management, prioritizing of tasks, multi-tasking etc. that would help you a lot in both your personal and professional lives and a lot many of these skills are usually developed in college life.

Performing well academically and gaining as much knowledge as you can is essentially your job as a college student and one should strive their best to do it. But that doesn't mean that you forget all other things in life. You must learn to maintain a balance between your academics and things apart from that such as hanging out with friends. Don't be ashamed to have fun and take time out for things apart from your academics and surely do not let anyone else convince you otherwise.