
version 4.3.2 - 06/22/2023

added: Now Sigma supports 14 mores TTS voices, from Nuance packages

version 4.3 - 03/27/2023

fixed: There was a bug in Sigma's "voice subsystem" which would make it change the default voice used by EDDI (forcing it to use Windows TTS default voice). For those using Ivona 2 (like myself) it would be terrible

version 4.2 - 03/22/2023

fixed: "Request Docking" now should work as intended, no longer issuing a 'fake button press' at the end of the process (request dock button on the left panel)

fixed: The Galaxypedia "Tell me a random fact" command was no longer working. Now it's back after some tinkering (and a big tip from VoiceAttack's developer)

changed: When we use the media player commands Sigma won't ask for confirmations anymore

updated: "Jump" and "Supercruise" commands will check if landing gear, cargo scoop and weapons are deployed before trying to start charging the FSD

updated: Sigma won't ask for confirmations when we use the "Deploy Weapons" or "Holster" commands

version 4.1 - 04/22/2022

added: with this new version I added the new bindED plugin (by alterNERDitive). Now we don't need to use the "load keybinds" command every time we change our keybinds in the game.

fixed: the 'Start Disembark' command now should behave properly when our ship is docked and we want to disembark from the SRV

fixed: now the Night Vision related commands will work for suits which have the respective engineering applied.

version 4.0 - 08/23/2021


!! ATENTION !! - Version 3.7.8 was the last Horizons compatible version. Version 4.0 might present some glitches if used with "ED: Horizons"

added:  new commands for On Foot gameplay.

added: "Show Loadout" command

added: "Start disembark" command

added: "Show storage" command (right panel)

added: "Dismiss ship" command

added: "Recall ship" command

added: Commands related to the new materials and commodities (Galaxypedia)

changed: Now the "Deploy SRV" command requires the number of the vehicle. Ex: Deploy SRV one

changed: Center panel commands have been changed to work with the new way that pannel behaves in game

fixed:  The "Request docking" command wasn't working due to some change in EDDI variables. Now it should work just fine

version 3.7.8 - 02/09/2021

fixed: Fixed the way Sigma receives planetary station names from EDDI.

version 3.7.7 - 06/09/2020

fixed: Now Sigma detects when the "auto (un)dock" is enabled, interacting as required

changed: The "Departure handover" command was updated to work properly with the new menu we got with the Fleet Carriers update

version 3.7.6 - 04/03/2020

fixed: the installation instructions

changed: Now Sigma doesn't display the version number on its profile name, in Voice Attack. This change was required to make this upgrade (and the next ones) easier for the users.

version 3.7.5 - 12/03/2019

fixed: the installation instructions

fixed: Sigma and the Galaxypedia were unable to properly call each other. With the new approach this should be fixed.

version 3.7.4 - 11/19/2019

fixed: the way Sigma detects if it's the first time you visit a star system.

changed: the commands for panel management no longer require you to close the panels with "Close panel". Now you can close them manually and Sigma will open the panel again without problems.

changed: the way the Galaxypedia works. Now it is on a separate profile. If you want access to the Galaxypedia, you import that profile to VA. Then with Sigma loaded you just ask it to "Open Galaxypedia" when you want Sigma to tell you something from it. Just tell sigma to "Close Galaxypedia" when you no longer want access to it.

version 3.7.1 - 06/05/2019

added: the possibility for the commander to choose if Sigma will keep EDDI verbose or "silent"

added: the "verbosity on" and "verbosity off" commands, which sets the way EDDI will behave.

version 3.7 - 06/04/2019

added: a feature which allows Sigma to detect the keybinds used in the game, adjusting its own keybinds

added: now Sigma keeps EDDI quiet most of the time. EDDI will only give you information if you request it or in some special occasions (when you ask to dock and when it's the first time you visit a system)

added: "System report" command. It tells us the name of the current system, its government, population, ammount and type of stations.

version 3.3 - 01/26/2019

fixed: The commands for panel management were very bugged. They are now properly fixed

chaged: The commands for enabling/disabling Silent Running were changed to "Enable Silent Running" and "Disable Silent Running". There were many complaints about VA recognizing the old commands when in fact they had not been issued.

version 3.2 - 12/21/2018

added: The galaxypedia was updated with the new commodities which were introduced in last ED's update (ex: Void Opals)

version 3.1 - 12/19/2018

improved: The commands for panel management. Now we no longer need to close a panel in order to change tabs. However, the new process requires us to close the panels with the "Close panel" or "Finish" command, instead of closing them manualy.

version 3.0 - 12/11/2018

updated: Most of the panel commands (the ones which were changed in the game)

updated: "Request docking" command. The way this request is made in the game has changed a little bit

updated: "Stations report" command. Now it also tells us how many planetary settlements the system has

changed: "Where am I" command. Now it only tells us the name of the system, its state and how many times we have visited it

added: "Night vision on" command. 

added: "Night vision off" command.

added: "Discovery mode on" command.

added: "Discovery mode off" command.

version 2.2.10 - 10/04/2018

added: a new keybind file (Sigma-KeyM.binds) which should be used by those playing with Keyboard+Mouse. The old Sigma.binds should be used only by those playing with Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS-X controller (not sure if this keybind file works with other joysticks)

version 2.2.10 - 09/24/2018

added: commands for powerplay commodities and a few rare commodities

imported: Darkcyde's VA profile for a better experience (requires his EDDI script

imported: EDDI's VA profile for a better experience

improved: "request docking" command now always says the name of the station, even if it is a planetary one (requires EDDI plugin)

version 2.2.6 - 06/16/2018

fixed: "Departure handover" command was causing a crash in Voice Attack. Problem solved!

version 2.2.5 - 05/02/2018

added: "Tank mode", new command to transfer energy to shields and weapons only.

version 2.2.4 - 04/16/2018 - FIGHTERS COMMAND ADDED

added: Seven commands to control the fighters

changed: the keybinds for speed/acceleration control have changed.

ATTENTION - You will need to use the newest Sigma.binds file

version 2.2.3 - 04/03/2018

- fixed: a bunch of commodities descriptions were 'broken' (lacking information).

- fixed: the "talk about planetesimal" command (galaxypedia)

- changed: The commands "tell me about" (galaxypedia) were changed to "talk about", to make them simplier.

- changed: The way some crew responses were handled has been changed. Some of the responses were "hard coded" in the profile. Now they are in TXT files like all the other, making it easier for users to change them, if needed.

version 2.2.2 - 03/05/2018

- added: New Galaxypedia commands related to 13 new commodities which weren't present in Sigma

version 2.2.1 - 03/02/2018

- added: New Galaxypedia commands related to the new materials/data which were added with the release of Elite Dangerous 3.0.

- removed: The command for the "Wreckage Components" commodity, since it no longer exists in the game.

- removed: The commands related to the old Thargoid components (Unknown Carapaces, Unknown Engery Cell, etc)

version 2.2 - 02/26/2018

- added: Now Sigma supports either Voice Attacks's or EDDI's Text-to-Speech. If you want to use VA's TTS, just say "use Voice Attack". If you prefer EDDI, say "use EDDI".

version 2.1.2 - 02/24/2018

- added: Now Sigma supports 13 voices from IVONA 2 (all english voices) - Amy, Eric, Emma, Geraint, Gwyneth, Jennifer, Joey, Kendra, Kimberly, Nicole, Raveena, Russell, Salli

version 2.1.1 - 11/22/2017

- fixed: After last Windows 10 update (ver. 1709), Microsoft removed the "Mobile" suffix from all its app TTS voices. So I had to remove such suffix from the variables Sigma uses to address the related TTS voices.

version 2.1 - 11/13/2017

- added: suppot to five new English voices (Canadian, Irish and Australian)

- added: "who is on duty" command

version 2.0.2 - 10/10/2017

- added: responses to the "scan system" command, just to try and make it a bit funnier

- added: "tell me a random fact" command. Sigma randomly selects a topic from the Galaxypedia to tell you

version 2.0.1 - 10/07/2017

- fixed: "clear voices" command. Now it properly resets the "crew", making your TTS default voice as the only one responding

version 2.0 - 10/02/2017-SIGMA IS NOW MULTICREW CAPABLE

- added: multicrew function. Now you can tell Sigma to use more than one voice (TTS) if you have them on Windows and EDDI/VA recognises them

version 1.6.5 - 09/25/2017

- finished: The Galaxypedia is complete... so far ;)

version 1.6.4 - 09/22/2017

- added: "Departure handover" command

- added: "Scan System" command

version 1.6.3 - 09/18/2017

- added: now the "tell me about Y" also brings you information/description of ALL the materials the Engineers need.

version 1.6.0 - 09/14/2017

- added: "tell me about Y", where "Y" can be any of the commodities 

version 1.5.7 - 09/11/2017-the beginning of Sigma's Galaxypedia

- added: "tell me about X", where "X" can be:






        arissa lavigny duval

        aisling duval

        archon delaine

        denton patreus

        edmund mahon

        felicia winters

        li yong-rui

        pranav antal

        zachary hudson

        zemina torval

        yuri grom

version 1.5.6 - 09/11/2017-TTS+EDDI version created

- added: "How are you?" command.

- added: "Where are we?" command. Sigma tells you in which system you are and a few other infos.

- added: "Tell me about the stations". Sigma will talk about the stations in the current system.

- changed: The response to the "request docking" command has been changed.

version 1.5.5 - 08/28/2017-Brazilian Portuguese version created

(later I found out Microsft removed portuguese support for the speech recognition. So this version is kind of... abandoned)

version 1.5.4 - 08/25/2017-TTS (Text To Speech) version was created

  In this version there are no voice lines recorded. Sigma relies on the TTS system installed on your PC.

version 1.5.3 - 07/24/2017

-fixed: cargo commands (deploy/extend)

version 1.5.2 - 07/10/2017

- added: "Next Jump"/"Next System" command. With this you tell Sigma to target the next System in the route

- improved: "Power Engines", "Power Shields" and "Power Weapons" commands. Now Sigma balances the PIPs before transferring the power to the desired PIP

version 1.5.1 - 06/27/2017

- fixed: "target nav beacon" command

version 1.5 - 06/19/2017

- added: commands for communications and center panel

- added: a few voice lines for the above commands

- added: "Run Diagnostics" command

- added: command to "Close" the current panel

- improved: panels controls (left, comms, center and right)

- fixed: landing gear commands (deploy/retract)

- fixed: lights commands (on/off)

- fixed: cargo commands (deploy/retract)

- fixed: weapons commands (deploy/retract)

- fixed: "Good Morning" command

- change: now when the profile starts it will automatically set the MPLAYER variable

- change: the command "System Status" now opens the first tab of the right panel

- change: the command "Show Status" now opens the first tab of the center panel (makes more sense)

- removed: the need to say "Thank you" after activating the panels, System Map or Galaxy Map

version 1.01 - 06/07/2017

- added: "camera mode on" and "camera mode off"

version 1.00 - 06/06/2017

- Sigma is released in the galaxy