I'm missing all the usual processing tools in the Vector menu in QGIS 2.16 (e.g. Vector Overlay, Analysis, etc). They do appear in the processing toolbox but there's no sign of them in the Vector menu. Has anyone come across this issue?

Just enable the processing plugin and the menu will be back. Note that you can go to Processing => Options => Menus, to configure in detail which algorithms will be available in the menu.

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I had this problem in QGIS 3.8. I just went into manage and install plugins searched for processing, which is a core plugin. I unclicked this to disable the plugin and then reclicked to enable. This fixed the problem and vector reappeared on the toolbar.

I had the same problem of having two vector-menus (my QGIS 2.18 (Ubuntu 16.04) set to Finnish): one that was actually in the language set for QGIS (Finnish) and other that was in English. The two menus together had all the vector functions that QGIS normally would have. This problem didn't occur when using QGIS set to English.

In my case, to lose the second vector-menu while using the QGIS set to Finnish, I had to: | Processing | Options > Choose "Reset to defaults" besides "Menus (requires restart)" and it worked (after restarting QGIS, of course).

I had the same problem to find the "points in polygons" entry in the Vector's menu, however with a little trick, I found a work-a-round, which immediately solved my problem. Here is the solution (sorry for the German menu, but you'll find the corresponding items):Menu: Ansicht>Bedienfelder>Werkzeugkiste (STRG+ALT+T)This brought a toolbar on the right side up--> then type points in polygons and select the item showing up, which brings a pop-up window for using the feature.

And anyway, it it not a good idea to store your menus as global variables. You should change this!But pay attention to the fact that for the mainMenu you must add the other menus to the capture of its lambdas.

Image Trace lets you convert raster images (JPEG, PNG, PSD etc.) to vector artwork. Using this feature, you can easily base a new drawing on an existing piece of artwork by tracing it. For example, you can convert the image of a pencil sketch you've drawn on paper into vector artwork using Image Trace. You can choose from a set of tracing presets to get the desired result quickly.

Specifies the view of the traced object. A tracing object is made up of two components: the original source image and the tracing result (which is the vector artwork). You can choose to view the tracing result, source image, outlines, and other options. You can click the eye icon to overlay the selected view over the source image.

Automatically switches between the limited palette and full tone for the tracing, depending on the input image. When you select Automatic for your palette, you can adjust the Colors slider to alter vector simplicity and accuracy in the tracing. The value 0 means simplified at the expense of accuracy and the value 100 means accurate or photorealistic at the expense of simplicity.

When you are satisfied with the results of a tracing, you can convert the tracing object to paths. This final step allows you to work with the tracing result as you do other vector artwork. Once you convert the tracing object, you can no longer adjust the tracing options.

Because vector files are based on lines, rather than pixels like raster-based files, they are scalable without losing resolution. Therefore, the artwork will not become pixilated and jagged when it is enlarged, so the most critical element with vector files is that they are setup proportionately to the final output size.

We highly recommend using vector-based artwork and text on larger graphics whenever possible for optimum results and easier file management. If raster-based photos or images are to be used within the vector artwork, please refer to the raster file guidelines below.

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