Gender   &   science

Argentina figures as one of the most even countries in regard to gender and science. In fact, the percentages of total female and male scientists in Argentina are similar, and almost half of the scientific projects are led by women. However, when analyzing hierarchies, in percentage, more men occupy leader academic positions than women,  more men are authorities in universities and in scientific and technological institutions as well

 The leaky pipeline exists here too. I will do, from the position I am in, as much as possible to help close the gender gap, to increase visibility of women in science, and to encourage girls to consider science an option for their future. Moreover, I will continue advocating for including females as a subject of study in scientific studies.

From the Secretariat of Gender and Diversities @Exactas, we were present at the "Biology Week", an event organized for science popularization and spreading of knowledge. With games and puzzles we discussed about the participation of women and diversities in science, we talked about implicit biases, and also about the importance of doing science with a gender perspective.

Activities for the inclusion of minority groups in science and science promotion with a gender perspective:


Loved the drawings of rats and mice in this website? Some are Banksy's, and the others, anonymous street art :)