
Si estás buscando labo para tesis de licenciatura, tesis de doctorado o simplemente hacer una pasantía, escribí a

Buscamos estudiantes de licenciatura en Biología, Medicina, Física o carreras afines, interesados en hacer ciencia en el área de las neurociencias. Los aspirantes deben tener una gran predisposición para trabajar en equipo. El conocimiento del idioma inglés es esencial y las habilidades de programación serán apreciadas.

We are looking for undergrad students of Biology, Medicine, Physics or related carrers, interested in doing science in the area of neuroscience. Applicants should have a great  predisposition to work in teams. Knowledge in English language is essential, and we will appreciate programming skills. 

Our goal is to understand how animals learn and how new information is stored in the brain. In particular, we study plastic changes in neural circuits due to social interactions and social learning. We use mice as a study model and an interdisciplinary approach, including behavior analysis techniques, histology and manipulation of neuronal activity with optogenetics and chemogenetics, among others.


Circuits underlying observational learning and socially acquired memories.



Circuits underlying social recognition memory 



Ciudad Universitaria C1428EHA

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: 54-11-4576-3386 / 4576-3368

Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Ciudad Universitaria C1428EHA

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Email      /       ResearchGate      /      Twitter

Loved the drawings of rats and mice in this website? Some are Banksy's, and the others, anonymous street art :)