Mrs. Conover's School Counseling Corner

Welcome! My name is Veronica Conover and this is my first year as School Counselor at CRS! I am incredibly excited for the special opportunity to get to know and work with each and every one of you. In my role, I work diligently to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. I provide comprehensive services and programs geared towards helping all students pursue success and happiness. Some of the services and topics included are:

Warm weather "mindful" walks are a great way to spend quality family time while also practicing a healthy lifestyle that improves our physical and mental health

Mindful walks are also helpful because they allow us to live "in the present moment" and enjoy our surroundings

One interesting technique to use while on a mindful walk is doing a 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise. How does this work? While on your walk, collaborate with your walking partner(s) to identify 5 things you can SEE, 4 things you can FEEL, 3 things you can HEAR, 2 things you can SMELL, and 1 thing you can TASTE. This is a great way to increase awareness and reduce stress! 

For more information, watch the video below.  

Enjoy the sights!

This month's character trait is ACCEPTANCE!

CLICK HERE to learn more about how we're teaching character education and how you can reinforce good character at home! 

Additional information 

Character Education Monthly Traits 

Read about how we'll teach, promote and celebrate good character!

Visit my virtual spaces below for regular updates on books to read, useful information, helpful resources and more! 

Mrs. Conover's Virtual Library 

Mrs. Conover's Virtual Office-Winter Edition

Virtual Zen Den 

This virtual "zen den" is chock full of stress management strategies for people of all ages!

If you have resources you would like to add to it, please reach me!