Help Out

Embracing the spirit of collaboration and community, we stand together at the heart of our exceptional association. It's the collective efforts, the shared passion, and the willingness to step forward that transform our vision into reality. As we gear up for our upcoming conference, we're reminded of the adage, "It takes a village." And indeed, it does—a vibrant community eager to contribute, innovate, and inspire.

We want to provide you with information and details on opportunities where you can help out. Your expertise, your time, and your enthusiasm are the keystones that will elevate our conference from memorable to truly extraordinary

Registration Table Volunteers Needed - We are looking for help at the Registration Table with checking in attendees.  If you are new to VASFAA and/or a first time attendee, please consider this as a VERY EASY way to get involved!!!  It's a 2 hour committment during the conference and a great 1st step in meeting others and giving back to VASFAA!!! 

Click here to sign up online