Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom. 

Clifford Stoll

Books Series Publication ( As Series Editor)

Call for Edited, Reference & Text Books Proposal Submission

Solar Thermal Energy Systems: Advancements in Engineering, Ergonomics, and Sustainable Development

by Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)

The book series editors are inviting edited, reference, and textbook proposals for consideration in the book series. The series encompasses an extensive array of topics ranging from engineering, ergonomics, human factors, occupational health and safety, sustainable development, thermo-fluids, carbon capture, design, AI and ML, computational and simulation modelling, solar concentrators, thermal energy storage (sensible and latent heat storage, digital thermal storage), hybrid solar thermal energy systems, concentrated solar thermal, E3R3 analysis, LCA, SDG, climate change, energy policy, solar thermal hydrogen production, and multi-objective optimisation. Covering topics from thermo-fluids to carbon capturing, and from hybrid systems to climate change impact assessments, this series transcends conventional boundaries, aiming to redefine the understanding and application of solar energy. Its fundamental aim is to bridge the gap between academia and industry, establishing a dynamic platform for collaboration and information exchange. By showcasing leading-edge research, innovative design methodologies, and intelligent computational approaches, this series strikes a harmonious balance between academic depth and practical industrial solutions, catering to the scholarly interests of researchers while addressing real-world engineering challenges. Furthermore, by exploring emerging trends and potential research trajectories, "Solar Thermal Energy Systems" endeavours to guide future scholars and industry professionals towards pioneering advancements in solar thermal energy systems.

Details of Book Published or in Review under this Book Series

Books Publication ( As Editor)

Research Paper Publication (SCIE):

Research Paper Publication (Scopus/Non-Scopus/Conference Papers)

Books Chapter Publication

Patent Published