Support us!

Donate 捐款

Support HK House's work in building Hong Konger community and promoting our culture.

All HK House events are often free or accessible price for everyone to attend. Our events usually cost between $50-$500 to put on, inclusive of rentals, fee, insurance and materials.

香港屋嘅活動好多時唔係免費就只收好親民嘅入場費。而每次活動嘅開支大約$50 - $500 不等,當中包括場地租金、保險、製作材料或其他費用。

The Vancouver Hong Kong Fair costs roughly $21,000 :


  • Event space + other fees (活動場地 + 其他雜費) : $9,000

  • Printing, rentals, materials + procurement (印刷道具租借 + 製作材料) : $6,000

  • Security, licenses, insurance + personnel fees (保安牌照保險 + 人事費用) : $6,000

The fair is solely sponsored by HK House and its volunteers. There are no external sponsors and HK House has not yet been actively accepting donations.

本次市集所有費用係由 HK House 及其志願者資助。 今次活動並沒有贊助商,而且 HK House 從未接受任何外界資助。

This fair is a major undertaking. Given our goals for cultural promotion, it is free for vendors and attendees. We do hope to receive your support and vendors are welcome to give back if fair profits are made.

今次嘅市集係一項龐大嘅活動而我哋亦確實需要得到大家對此活動嘅支持。所以我哋將會設立一個捐款攤位明確解釋成本同其他細節俾有心有力嘅人士捐款。 如果攤檔賺到可觀嘅利潤我哋都歡迎擺攤嘅人士可以積極回饋。

Donate and receive a gift from the "I'm Hong Konger" Collection by HK House!


To thank our donors, we have prepared gifts designed by HK House — available exclusively for the first time at Vancouver Hong Kong Fair. Donors will be given the option to pick up their gift at a later time should stock run out on event day.
為咗謝所有捐款者,我哋亦準備咗一啲香港屋自家設計嘅小禮物 — 優先於香港人市集首次送出!就算派晒都唔緊要,因為捐款者可以選擇“遲啲攞”!

Give $20 and get a canvas bag
捐款$20 送精美布袋一個

"I'm Hong Konger" Collection - Designed by HK House

「我係香港人」系列 - 香港屋自家設計

Give $50 and get a mug
捐款$50 送精美水杯一隻

"I'm Hong Konger" Collection - Designed by HK House

「我係香港人系列 - 港屋自家設計

Donate $70 and get both!

Other ways to help 其他支持方式

You can participate in our events and programs or volunteer your time. Follow our social media below to learn more:
