Welcome to my homepage! I am a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at The University of Manchester. 

Prior to this, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Toronto working with Professor Kumar Murty. I obtained my PhD under the supervision of Professor Samir Siksek at the University of Warwick in 2017.

Here is a simplified career trajectory (so far!) for those that are curious about my journey into Number Theory.


Postal Address: 

Alan Turing Building, Department of Mathematics,

The University of Manchester, 

Oxford Road, 

Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Email: vandita<dot>patel<at>manchester<dot>ac<dot>uk

Research Interests: Number theory, (classical) modular forms and Diophantine equations, Galois representations, enumerating number fields, permutation polynomials over finite fields.

Google Scholar Profile

Manchester Number Theory Seminar

ORCiD: 0000-0003-0252-963X

PhD Students and Postdocs:

Ioannis Tsokanos, postdoc, 2022--2023 (funded by EPSRC).

There is information about applying for a PhD in Pure Mathematics at Manchester here: Apply to Manchester.

I am also keen to support postdocs applying for fellowships to be held at Manchester, such as those offered by EPSRC, LMS, Marie Curie etc. Please do get in touch to discuss this further.