Mrs. Wuthrich

Room 255

Welcome to

Middle School Math!

This year in Middle School Math we will be focusing on several learning standards for each grade level. The standards we will work on are valued as essential learning targets that each student needs to know before continuing to the next grade level.

Grading may look different this year as we are moving towards a Standards-Based Grading system. Grades this year will be based on a 4-point scale. The primary purpose of grading this year is to communicate the achievement status of the student in relation to the course standards/learning targets that have been identified.

Non-Negotiable Expectations of Van Buren Community School District

  • I will be in class on time.

  • I will have materials and be ready to work.

  • I will use appropriate school language.

  • I will use technology appropriately.

  • I will follow the school's cell phone policy.

  • I will be respectful of school and other people's property.

Middle School Math 4-Point Grading Scale

  • 4 = Students have demonstrated a deep understanding of the learning goal and could easily teach it to others.

  • 3 = Students have met the learning goal and can practice the skill independently.

  • 2 = Students have the foundational skills and knowledge for the learning goal but may still need support and prompting when practicing.

  • 1 = Students are headed in the right direction but still need substantial support and heavy prompting to practice the skill.

  • 0 = Students have not submitted enough evidence of learning towards the goal.

Priority Standards for 2021/2022

Below is a link to the priority standards that will be the focus of learning for each class during the 2021/2022 school year.