The Value Proposition Canvas and book Value Proposition Design have been out for a while, but I wanted to share a new video we created to help explain the tool and how to create products and services that customers actually want.

In addition to this video, we also offer a course on Mastering Value Propositions. This online course will teach you how to better understand customers, and create value propositions that sell. Click here for more details.

In identifying the right business model for a startup, one of the most complex and difficult parts to obtain is also the most crucial one: the value proposition, i.e. the promise of value that a company makes to the market, expressed in terms of perceived advantages, tangible or not, that consumers can obtain by purchasing the proposed solution. But how does it work? How do you understand, specifically, what that product or service is and what it looks like in the eyes of your customer segment? Using the Value Proposition Canvas.

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The Value Proposition Canvas is the visual thinking tool that helps you find the right value propositions in relation to your customers, in order to create interesting products and services that customers want to buy, correctly identifying their real needs and relating them with the value your company can offer them.

At first glance, this tool is a simple sheet of paper with a large square on the left and a circle on the right. It is a geometric collage formed by the customer segment canvas and the value proposition model. Together they aim to provide an understanding of the features and functionality a product should possess to meet the requirements of a particular category of users.

Thanks for bringing the Business Model Canvas to Aha! it brings great value for us. In addition to the Business Model Canvas it would be amazing to be able to specify the value proposition and the customer segments in a more detailed manner to facilitate the realization of a perfect market fit via the Value Proposition Canvas. We use separate tools to do this right know..,but integration in Aha would really make our life must better ;-)

It is a simple chart where you can see nine boxes or fields. Each of them carries a message related to a particular aspect of business activities like the structure of costs, available competition, communication channels, etc. The task of an entrepreneur is to fill in these fields in the most detail possible. With that, you get a clear picture of what is lacking or what you have enough of, to achieve a fruitful outcome. For the purposes of this article, we are interested in two particular fields that underlie the value proposition canvas template.

Whereas the business model canvas is an idea-validating tool for revealing flaws and risks your project may face, it lacks a detailed customer focus. Osterwalder offered to extract and scale up two fields in the form of a separate template to bridge this gap.

Value proposition canvas customer jobs include different tasks, problems or wish the customers are intended to deal with, solve or satisfy. By doing so, you refine the customer segment from the emotional (preferences, popularity), social (reputation, sense of duty), and functional (practicability) perspectives.

This section of the value proposition model is responsible for the ability of your product to solve the defined pains. It is not necessary to describe how the pain is relieved in details. A simple statement of the fact that eliminates the current frustration with the job to be done will be enough to put here.

Templates, also known as canvases, are tools that help digital product managers better understand their clients, competitors, and the market. They come in the form of visual maps that let creators and managers organize their thoughts and ideas. One of the most popular sites offering such templates is Read on to find out more. 

The Unique Value Proposition Canvas is a template that helps users define the unique value of their product. It allows them to organize their thoughts about creating value and logically link the product to customer needs. It also turns vague ideas into a specific subject for discussion, while the sticky notes used to add ideas to the appropriate boxes make them easy to visualize and modify later.

Product management templates, such as the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas, help companies understand key aspects of the business. These tools not only let them clearly define customer segments, value propositions, and sales strategies but also identify potential revenue streams and understand project costs.

The Business Model Canvas is a visual tool featuring 9 key elements of a business model: value propositions, customer segments, relationships, channels, revenue streams, activities, partners, resources, and cost structure.

The Learning Card, developed by Strategyzer, allows you to assess what you have learned from your experiments. These insights help you get clarity necessary to make decisions and take actions. It is used mainly to help you find the the correct business model and value proposition for your idea.

A strategy canvas shows the competitive factors, both current and future. Secondly, it shows the strategic profile of current and potential competitors. Lastly, it displays the company's strategic profile, the "value curve." This tool was developed by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne, authors of Blue Ocean Strategy.

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management template used for developing new business models and documenting existing ones.[2][3] It offers a visual chart with elements describing a firm's or product's value proposition,[4] infrastructure, customers, and finances,[1] assisting businesses to align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.

The nine "building blocks" of the business model design template that came to be called the Business Model Canvas were initially proposed in 2005 by Alexander Osterwalder,[5] based on his PhD work supervised by Yves Pigneur on business model ontology.[6] Since the release of Osterwalder's work around 2008,[7] the authors have developed related tools such as the Value Proposition Canvas and the Culture Map,[8] and new canvases for specific niches have also appeared.

In this article, I will present four powerful tools that will help you create a strong value proposition. After discussing these four tools, I will discuss what a value proposition consists of and how you can create one.

The value proposition canvas consist of two parts, the customer profile and your offering. The customer profile maps customer jobs(s), the gains the customer is looking for and the pain points. Your offering displays the products and services you have for the customer and how you offer them pain relievers and gain creators.

The customer profile can now be used by the marketing team to create strong messages, by the sales team to create better value propositions and by the product management team to understand who your customers are better.

In the first row of this tool, mention the name of your competitors. In the first column, mention each of the value propositions. Now rate them on a scale of four with four = sophisticated and one = minimal. A value of 0 means that the value proposition is absent in a competitor's offering. You can also use a circular graphic of four quarters as shown in the image above.

It is basically a six-step iterative process. The word "iterative" is really important because the value proposition must be changed according to the needs and demands of your audience. What you are offering right now might not be relevant to your target audience after five or 10 years.

This framework is a 10-step process divided into two parts: "The Hook" and "The How". The specialty of this tool is that it helps you create a message flow based on your value proposition. That is, how you can move from understanding your customer needs to fulfil those needs through your products or services.

Its website says it all. When you open the site you see several graphic elements being brought together by four different people at the same time. This is exactly the value proposition that Figma promises and delivers on.

There is an old webpage from Mindset, a Sweden-based leadership training company. It started with a problem statement and translated it into a story with the plot based on an uncomfortable truth about the business. It presents a good solution and supports it with good arguments. The visual has also played a great role throughout the value proposition. I like this example because it is very different.

For its website, it would have been easy for Intercom to write a value proposition talking about how it is the world's best chat solution. I am glad that the company pushed itself to really think about the value offered and the job to be done. The reason we implement a chat service is to talk to our customers and that is what Intercom brings out so brilliantly in its value proposition.

Mentice operates in a regulated healthcare environment selling endovascular simulators to hospitals, training centers, and the medical device industry. The tricky part is that target customers have different value propositions. And you have only one page to grab their attention. More specifically, you have just one sentence to do so.

A website consists of blocks that present value propositions in an order. A block generally consists of a super headline, sub-headline, text and image. You need to decide how to organize the blocks on your site so that they tell a story that inspires visitors on your website to take certain action. This action could be signing up for a demo, signing up for a trial or simply contacting you for more information. Your webpage needs to have a number of value propositions to convince the visitor to take any of these actions. e24fc04721

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