Server policies

Management policy: Valkir Isles is a non-profit organization. A separate paypal account has been created to pay our hosting provider, domain and website cost. Donations and purchases on the site will only be used for these purposes. In case there is a lack of funds in the paypal account to cover server upkeep, the hosting cost will be covered by the Valkir Isles team. We plan to host the server forever. If due to circumstances we are no longer able to host server, we will look for a hosting successor with the same values and aid in the transfer to minimize impact on the players. Valkir Isles will not sell any silver, items or other in-game content that can be considered pay-to-win. To raise funds, we agreed on the following: Donations, the sale of convenience items (clay, tar, peat tiles and auto-refilling  water fountain) and cosmetics (pauldrons, masks, talbard and wagon skins).

Gameplay policy: Valkir Isles focuses on maintaining a similar experience as Wurm Online. Of course, being a Wurm unlimited server, we will also implement some quality of life mods. All mods and their settings will be published (on either discord, the site or both). Once the settings have been validated by the testing team, they will not change. The only reason for a setting to change would be due to a change to the mod itself or to solve an exploitable bug. If new mods get developed over time that fits the vision of Valkir Isles, they will be put up for a vote. Votes regarding changes in the mod list require a 80% majority before being accepted and will have a voting window of one month. Accounts that have joined less then a month ago will not be able to vote. We will not focus on GM hosted server events, but might offer support if a player wants to host an event. The reason for this, is to prevent otherwise unobtainable items or items of value from ruining the economy.

Macro policy: Allowed with some limitations. Some tasks are inherently repetitive and should not cause a medical bill for your index finger. We have decided that you should be present at your computer if you decide to use automation tools. We will occasionally visit some players and check on their compliance on the macro policy. If the GM notices that the player is performing actions during the visit, he will send a PM to the player with a message similar to "macro check", but might vary slightly or even be a simple question to prevent automated responses. We expect a player to respond within 30 minutes. If the player is still performing actions after 30 minutes and has not replied to the GM, the player will receive a penalty. The penalty will at least be a kick from the server to interrupt the macro. Multiple offenses can lead to skill penalties, removal of affinities and for frequent offenders even permanent bans.

Client side modding: The only mod we formally allow is livemap.

Chat moderation policy: Refrain from settling disputes in global chat or on the discord channel. If warnings from the moderation team are not respected, mutes or bans can be issued.