Valeria Randolph Veas

Currently I am a PhD student in Didactics of Mathematics (IMA-PUCV) and assistant editor in the Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education, RECHIEM; Also I teach primary teachers who studies a postgraduate Diploma in mathematics at University of Chile.


  • PhD. candidate in Didactics of Mathematics. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.

  • Master in Didactics of Mathematics. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.

  • Teacher of Secondary Education in Mathematics and Physics. Universidad de Chile.

  • Bachelor in Exact Sciences. Universidad de Chile.

Doctoral Thesis

A Neurocognitive component in the Understanding of Mathematics: The case of Complex Number System.

Advisors: Dra. Marcela Parraguez and Dr. David Gómez

Research interest

Mathematical Cognition; Posing and Problem Solving; Teacher professional development.

Latest papers

Parraguez, M. & Randolph, V. (2020). La generalización como estrategia cognitiva para construir la conjetura en una actividad de conteo. Paulo Freire, Revista De Pedagogía Crítica, (23), 69-84.

Randolph, V. & Parraguez, M. (2019). Comprensión del sistema de los números complejos: Un estudio de caso a nivel escolar y universitario. Formación universitaria, 12(6), 57-82.

Perdomo-Díaz, J., Felmer, P., Randolph, V., & González, G. (2017). Problem Solving as a Professional Development Strategy for Teachers: A Case Study with Fractions. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(3), 987-999.

Últimas actividades

(2020) Young ERME summer school, YESS 10, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Grecia.

(2019) Assistance to the First Symposium of Neuroscience and Education: “Bases biológicas del aprendizaje”, Escuela de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Fundación redes para la infancia y Fundación arrebol.

(2019) Talk at Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, RELME 33 - La Habana, Cuba.

(2019) Talk at Jornadas Nacionales de Educación Matemática, JNEM, XXIII - Universidad Austral del Chile, Puerto Montt, Chile.

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