Ancient Greece

Day 1 (11/8)

Map of Ancient Greece.

Day 2-3 (11/12-11/13):

  • Introduction to Ancient Greece -- timeline of major events.
  • Introduction of Greek gods and mythology (eg. Midas, Pandora, Prometheus, Narcissus and Echo)
  • Assignment: Notes on Chapter 5.2
Greek Myth Summary
Greek Timeline

Day 4-6 (11/14-11/19) Greek gods presentation project (rubric is below)

gods rubric

Day 7 (11/20): Text Reading 5.2 "Warring City States" Review. Review the notes and videos below:

Chapter 5 Greek City States

Day 8 (11/21):

  • Compare and Contrast the city-states of Athens and Greece.
  • Greece Quiz #1

Day 9 - 10 (11/26-11/27):

Documentary -- The Last Stand of the 300. This is a look at the Battle of Thermopylae and the historical significance of the Persian Wars.

Day 11 (11/28):

Finish and discuss the video Last Stand of the 300

Assignment: Notes on Chapter 5, Section 3

Days 12-13 (11/29 -11/30):

  • The Daily Athenian -- Newspaper Project. See the details below. Completed Project due on Thursday, 12/7.
Greece Newspaper Project

Day 14 (12/3): Overview of Classical Greece -- See notes and video clip below.

Assignment: Read and take notes on Chapter 5, Section 4

Golden Age of Greece

Days 15-16 (12/4-12/5)

Finish newspaper project and read and take notes on Chapter 5, Section 5

Day 17 (12/6)

  • Discussion of the empire of Alexander the Great and the spread of Hellenistic Culture
  • Exam Review
Alexander the Great

Day 18 (12/7): Ancient Greece Exam