Yocelyn T. Gutiérrez-Guerrero

I’m studying the evolution of dietary diversification and specialization in bats and birds using comparative and functional genomics. The most wonderful part of being a woman in science is believing what I do matters for science and society. Science is my passion, so I’m pretty glad and excited when I can share this passion and energy with others, especially non-scientist. Fortunately, my family, mentor and colleagues have always been very supportive. I’m glad to say that gender has not been an obstacle.

My role model is Judit Milhom (Left-revolutionist). She was a cyberfeminist, and encouraged other women to join informatics. Also, she built the first public online computer system for all of us.

Although women and girls have more visibility in science today, we need to break the gender barriers. We should build networks to support each other in academia and industry. We have to finish with impostor syndrome and create more opportunities for women and girls in science.