I am a research technician in two laboratories that focus on phytoplankton molecular ecology and coastal ecosystem biogeochemistry. My responsibilities include culturing dinoflagellates, preparing samples for DNA sequencing, and processing samples for isotope analysis. In prior positions, I have investigated coral reef and seagrass community ecology.

Science is exciting to me because it can foster international collaboration and exploration. This is an opportunity for women in science of diverse backgrounds to support and lift each other up while working for a mutual passion.

The challenge I feel most is societal pressure to be married and raise children. I look forward to women being respected for their careers, with no caveats regarding these lifestyle choices. I am inspired by two amazing women I have been fortunate to work for, Drs. Lauren Yeager and Deana Erdner. I respect their careers and have learned a lot about being a woman in science from their perspective and leadership.

I think that science is becoming increasingly inclusive for girls and women, however, science careers are competitive and overwhelming. Combined with the pressure society/culture applies to women, this can push women out of science careers or halt their progress early.