Karine Villeneuve

I study prokaryotes that live in aquifers characterized by important abiotic variations, and my main objective is to identify the major drivers of change in the composition and diversity of their community.

I am excited to work in a field that I love and happy to show that it is possible for women to work in any field, even those dominated by males. I want everyone to know that no matter your gender, you can do any work that you are passionate about. Preconceptions and sexism should never be a barrier for anyone.

My biggest challenge is not only believing in myself and trusting that I have the knowledge and understanding required to accomplish my goals, but also proving it to the people surrounding me. In other words, proving my worth to be where I am today, not only to myself but to others.

My role model is Dr. Ursula Martius Franklin. She was a German Canadian metallurgist, research physicist, author and educator. Throughout her life, she was also a humanitarian who actively worked for peace and justice, protested and acted for women's rights and advocated for the protection of the natural environment.

I am grateful that all my life I was surrounded by strong, intelligent and fearless women that made it clear that gender is never an obstacle and was encouraged to work in whichever field I loved. I wish everyone could be inspired in the same way I was and therefore I do believe we must still work towards paving a path for an inclusive scientific world.