My problem is that in Windows, there are command line windows that close immediately after execution. To solve this, I want the default behavior to be that the window is kept open. Normally, this behavior can be avoided with three methods that come to my mind:

Actually, there are a bunch of different solutions. Git bash works, but windows 10 also has WSL (windows linux subsystem), given this was created with collaboration between microsoft and Canonical (company behind ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distros), I would give WSL a try

Vag K+can Commander Download For Windows 10

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Now, if you have made the proper Windows associations for the".pl" extension (an option in the ActivePerl installation), youcan run exiftool by typing "" at the"cmd.exe" prompt. Otherwise you should type"perl c:\windows\".

2. Required windows operation system is windows XP 

Be sure to setup and run the device software under windows XP. Otherwise the device software and program can be broken or it will fail to work.

Picked up a new windows 10 computer and spent the day downloading and setting up all my astronomy programs. Everything is working well except for iOptron Comander. At first Commander would open but couldn't find my mount. I downloaded the FTDI chipset vcp drivers, as I had forgot that I needed those for my serial to usb. Thinks were looking up, but after the restart iOptron Commander won't open. When I double click I get the spinning blue circle for a second, then nothing. No error message or anything. Oddly enough it shows it is running in the task manager, but nowhere else. I tested the connection though ascom and it seemed to connect. PHD2 would say it was connected, but couldn't control the scope. SGP wouldn't connect through ascom driver at all. I think windows installed an update somewhere during one of the many restarts. Not sure if that killed iOptron Commander or not. I have unistalled and reinstalled numerous time. Tried different version of commander. Safe mode. tried running under different compatibility options, run as administrator, etc. Can't restore because no restore points were saved yet.

I had a similar problem. I was having issues with using the STAR-FI and windows 10. I could connect to my laptop, but not Ioptron commander. I did send an email to Ioptron and was told to update the firmware. I did this and everything works great. I also updated Windows before taking the mount (IEQ45 PRO) out for a trial run and everything worked as advertised.

Well glad that helps...I have not done a clean windows install on my laptop ever.....I bought the laptop in 2012, and upgraded to Win 10 and never had problems, but if I do encounter software not working, that is an easy option, especially with Win 10.

I have this installed on three different computers and it is Blocked on all three. Prior to April 15, I did not have this problem. I also installed MallwareFox and it blocks commander from running. I also tried downloading fresh copy from iOptron and get the same result. Defender list this threat as severe.

Ok, several folks out there have the CEM120. If this was an actual issue with the software, lots of folks would be complaining about this. The April update is just filtering thru machines now. There is a stand alone windows defender that can be downloaded and used to scan: -50496.html

Ugh! I am having problems loading Commander as well. I just received my CEM70 mount (my second mount, but that is another story) and cannot install Commander. I get the message: " iOptron_ASCOM_Driver_Installer6410.exe was blocked because it could harm your device". I have gone into the windows security settings to put in exceptions for the iOptron link as well as all .exe files and still get the error message. Does anyone have any additional ideas? I am using a HP Spectre 360 laptop with Windows 10 and everything is up to date. Never had any issues loading any SW before.

I seem to have been able to load the files by bypassing windows defender, but the application will not launch. I look at the file directory and see that the "iOptron Commander 2017" application file is only 405KB. That doesn't seem right...maybe its for the icon only. There are two other large application files in the folder, vcredistx64 and vcredistx86, both approximately 14MB. Can anyone confirm that this makes sense? Any ideas on why the application will not launch? When I click the icon, I get the blue activity circle for a fraction of a second and then nothing happens.

I decided to set up my new Mac book pro 2016 as a clean install, which means I have been busy setting up my keyboard remapping and commander. I thought I would take this opportunity to run through all of the custom things I have set up, in order to share my experiences, and invite others to do the same.

I'm going to be talking about remapping the keyboard, the voice over keyboard commander, and custom system keyboard short cuts; each of these topics have unique factors to consider, and I'll do my best to explain these factors as I touch each section.

The voice over keyboard commander, found in the voice over utility app, can be used to customize a great number of things. I'm going to just give a basic list of how I have things set up. I have the num pad commander set up so that hitting 1 will launch Safari, 2 launches messages, three iTunes, and 4 mail. If any of these apps are already opened hitting the keys just moves focus to the app in question; I love knowing I can jump to my most used apps with only one key no matter what.

The rest of my commander set up is with the basic keyboard commander. I use either of my option keys as the modifier key. Option 1 through for activates Automator work flows I have created. option 1 moves focus to the first level of my home folder in the finder, with documents downloads etc. 2 brings me to a google search field where I can instantly perform a google search. three brings me to my applications folder, and 4 brings me to a blank document in the grammrly grammar checking web sight where, I can paste and check any text.

The rest of my commander set up is for me to be able to use the arrow keys and quick nav as little as possible. As a long time Mac user I have realized that I use the arrow keys too much, and I do not believe it is ideal to constantly shift my hands from a typing position to an arrow navigation position. This might be my own insanity, and I do not expect that the following set up will interest most people.

I would love to hear what other people have done with key remapping, short cuts, and the keyboard commander. My set up works for me, but it is still a working progress, and I would love to hear thoughts about how I could improve it. specifically I would love to hear from anyone who knows a way I could make the J, K, L, I keys behave exactly like arrow keys, with modifiers held down. Perhaps, this could be done with another remapping app, but Karabiner elements can not currently make remappings that are modifier dependent.

I have been contemplating purchasing the 2016 MacBook Pro! Currently, I am a windows 10 user! Using jaws of course! These kind of user tips really help me to determine if macOS will be right for me in a laptop configuration. A couple of off topic questions for you please.

 I am a touch typist so, how do you find the new butterfly keyboard second generation?

 I appreciate your key mapping regarding arrow keys. I am concerned that there is not a lot of tactile differentiation on the new keyboard and the arrow keys. How have you found it so far?

 Finally, I am sure you have not played with the 12 inch MacBook and I know that particular machine has great speakers. I also know that the 2016 MacBook Pro has great speakers. Did you compare both models which one do you think is better sound wise?

As far as any other thoughts I have on moving to the Mac, that is a very large topic with lots of personal opinions on both sides. First of all, I would strongly recommend that any window user not buy the touch bar model, because if you want to run windows on bootcamp having physical function keys will be inarguably better. I think the most important thing to ask yourself is why you want to move to the Mac. I am a dedicated Mac user, but I would probably not recommend the Mac as the default choice for many blind users. The Mac was the first computer that I became fluent with, and a Mac got me through college; I am very fixed in the Mac ecosystem, and dependent on apps such as Amadeus pro and pro tools. Those are some of my specific reasons for staying with the Mac, but there are many reasons to avoid the Mac.

There is no accessibility for tagged pdf's and that is probably not going to change any time soon. Microsoft word in windows is better with word processing then anything we have on the Mac. The built in Mac spell checker is perhaps five percent as powerful as the Microsoft word spell checker. When it comes to third party apps and services designed for the blind the Mac is often an after thought, because more blind users are on windows; for example there are very few accessible games on the Mac. Voice Over is shackled by the fact that Apple is not paying a lot of attention to improving any Mac software, and voice over rarely receives major upgrades. Also the lack of third party screen readers on the Mac means we are totally at Apple's mercy, and as long as apple keeps the Mac tightly locked down that is not going to change.

Rambling rant over, when you choose Mac you do have the option of also running windows in bootcamp or VM where fusion. I have always kept a bootcamp partition on my Mac, but I rarely ever used it. I will probably do the same on my new Mac, although I believe I will not be able to run windows seven, and it sounds like windows ten is not an ideal option right now.

I'm really glad that you got something out of my post Nicholas. The fact that the keyboard commander allows me to minimize having to use the arrow keys, while allowing you to maximize your ability to use the arrow keys, really illustrates the flexibility of this feature. e24fc04721

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