UIDAI Tamper Proof QR code is present on all forms of Aadhaar like e-Aadhaar, Aadhaar letter, Aadhaar PVC card and mAadhaar. QR Code contains digitally signed data like last 4 digits of Aadhaar number, demographic data like name, address, gender, and date of birth, and photograph of the Aadhaar number holder. It also contains masked mobile number and email-id of the Aadhaar holder. Further, to make this Information more secured and tamper-proof, it is signed with UIDAI digital signature. QR code can be used for offline verification of identity to avoid any fraudulent activity.

Identity verification can simply be accomplished by providing an identity document like PAN card, Passport etc to the service provider. However, all these documents, which may be used for identification can still be forged and faked which may or may not be possible to verify offline instantaneously. The document verifier has no technological means to verify the authenticity of the document or the information it contains and has to trust the document producer. Whereas, the XML file generated by the Aadhaar number holder using Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC is digitally signed document using UIDAI digital signature. Thus, the service provider can verify the demographic contents of the file and certify it to be authentic when doing the offline verification

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Any Aadhaar number holder who desires to establish his/her identity to any service provider (OVSE) using digitally signed XML downloaded from UIDAI website can be a user of this service. The service provider should have provisions of providing this Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC at their facility and do the offline verification

Aadhaar authentication can be performed for availing benefits, services and benefits falling under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and if the purpose for which Aadhaar authentication is intended to be used is either backed by law made by parliament or is in the State interest. The verification of Aadhaar can be done offline through QR code available on the physical Aadhaar copy. If any agency does not follow these best practices, then that agency will be fully responsible for situations or losses arising out of possible misuse or impersonation. An Aadhaar holder is not responsible for the wrongful act of or by any agency.

The offline verification comes in handy when the process cannot happen online or when you have to share the document. The advantage is in the ability to share only the selected information that one wants to share.

e-Aadhaar is a password-protected electronic copy of the Aadhaar letter, which is digitally signed by the authority and contains a QR code for offline verification as well as the issue date and download date. You can easily download e-Aadhaar/masked e-Aadhaar from UIDAI's official website or mobile application by using your registered mobile number. Only the last four digits of the eAadhaar are displayed on the masked version. Every Aadhaar enrolment or update generates an e-Aadhaar, which is free to download.

Aadhaar XML is a digitally signed machine-readable XML document that is encrypted, safe, secure, and shareable to establish and authenticate the identity of the cardholder entirely offline that can be stored on the laptop or the phone once extracted from the UIDAI website. Aadhaar XML is also known as Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC.

UIDAI has issued some regulations regarding the use of the offline verification facility under Regulation 16A of the Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulations, 2021. Here is what it entails:

As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) circular, in the event of offline verification of Aadhaar utilizing an XML file or Aadhaar Secure QR Code, it shall be ensured that the date of generation of the XML file or QR code is no older than three days from the date of V-CIP. You can identify this by scanning the digital signature on the e-Aadhaar copy.

While decision on the constitutionality of Aadhaar by the Supreme Court of India remains a matter of speculation, it has become abundantly clear that most of the use cases for Aadhaar-based biometric authentication (ABBA) have turned out to be deeply problematic. In this post, Banerjee and Sharma outline the tentative design sketch of an alternate offline protocol, with digitisation and identity verification objectives similar to ABBA, which may be more accurate and free of the negatives.

Poor understanding of the identity instruments, broken processes, imprecise articulation of the objectives, and most importantly, lack of clear understanding of the trust model of authentication, authorisation, and accounting (AAA) have led to confusion and large-scale social mistrust. In this post, we outline the tentative design sketch of an alternate offline protocol, with digitisation and identity verification objectives similar to ABBA, which may satisfy more correctness properties and yet be free of the problems discussed above.

Any offline protocol that has to remove the requirement of trust on the verifier, and neither use automatic matching to avoid false negatives, nor use unfamiliar instruments like passwords or crypto keys, must rely on ex-post audit, at least of some randomly picked instances.

The new Aadhaar polyvinyl chloride (PVC) card is easy to carry in your wallets, just like your ATM or debit cards. Loaded with the latest security features, Aadhaar PVC card is more durable. PVC Aadhaar card allows to verify the identity of the Aadhaar holder offline, by scanning the QR code on the new Aadhaar PVC card. UIDAI, in a tweet wrote, "Your identity is verifiable instantly offline, by scanning the QR code on your new Aadhaar PVC card."

The linkage process can be conveniently fulfilled through both online and offline methods, offering flexibility to citizens. The government's goal is to promote transparency and create a seamless and efficient financial environment, benefiting the government and the citizens of India. Let us observe in detail how to link PAN with Aadhaar.

To initiate the online linking plan to aadhaar, the first step is to launch your web browser and access the official e-filing website of the Income Tax Department. You can start the straightforward linking process once you land on the website's homepage. e24fc04721

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