The DARPA Assured Autonomy from 2018 - 2023
Toyota Research, 2021-now
The Nebraska EPSCoR First Award, 2021-2022
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have become a popular choice for many complex applications such as image classification, natural language processing, and object recognition. Recently, DNNs have been used in safety-critical autonomous CPS such as autonomous driving vehicles and the new generation of the aircraft collision avoidance systems (ACAS Xu). Despite the advantages of DNNs on learning and solving complicated problems, it has been shown that well-trained DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., slightly disturbing the input may lead to a vast difference in the result of a DNN. Since DNNs may behave incorrectly and unsafely, the integration of DNNs-based learning-enabled components into safety-critical autonomous CPS may pose significant financial and life-threatening risks. Therefore, there is an urgent need for advanced and scalable methods that can efficiently verify DNNs and DNNs-based learning-enabled CPS.
Objectives & Publications
Safety and Robustness Verification for Feedforward Neural Networks Controller at Design Time
FM'19, IEEE TNNLS'18, VNN'19, HSCC'21, FormaLISE'19, CAV'20b, CAV'20c, FAOC'21 (invited paper)
Safety Verification for Neural Network Control Systems at Design Time
EMSOFT'19, IEEE TNNLS'20, ACC'19, FomLAS'19, WASS'20, AIAA'21, IEEE D&T'20, ARCH19a, ARCH19b
Robustness Verification for Convolutional Deep Neural Networks
Robustness Verification for Semantic Segmentation Networks
Robustness Verification for Recurrent Neural Networks
on-going (supported by Toyota Research)
Robustness Verification for Binarized Neural Networks
Runtime Verification for Neural Network Control Systems
Tool Development and Demo
NNV: (Neural Network Verification) written in Matlab + Python. Github Link: https://github.com/transafeailab/nnv, https://github.com/verivital/nnv
Main developer: Dung Tran
Our approach is based on reachability analysis in which we compute the reachable sets of a neural network-based system given an initial input set. Since the reachable sets contain all possible states of the system, they are used to verify if the system satisfies a safety/robustness property.
NNV supports both exact and over-approximate reachability for verification of neural networks using star sets
NNV is the first approach that can compute and visualize the exact reachable set of ACAS Xu networks
NNV performs bread-first-search verification, a more efficient algorithm is the depth-first-search (DFS) verification that can be found in NNENUM
NNV solves both "open-loop", i.e., neural network verification and "closed-loop", i.e., neural network control system verification, problems
NNV performance can be improved on multicores machine by parallel computing
NNV also implements the zonotope (DeepZ) and new abstract domain methods (DeepPoly) for easily comparison
We will keep developing and maintaining NNV and use it mainly for teaching and design-time verification
We are developing a new framework for runtime monitoring and verification of distributed learning-enabled CPS (DLe-CPS) called StarV
Safety Verification of ACAS Xu Networks
An exact reachable set may contain thousands of polyhedra
Conservativeness of NNV-approximate star, Zonotope (DeepZ) and Abstract-Domain (DeepPoly) methods
DeepZ may be very conservative
NNV is the only approach that can construct a "complete" set of counter examples
Verification performance improves with parallel computing (N is number of cores)
Comparison of different tools on 45 ACASXu networks with safety property P3, NNV exact-star is 4x Reluplex, 374x Marabou, 15x Marabou-DNC. NNV approx-star is 547x Reluplex, 374x Marabou, 2152x Marabou-DNC. NNV approx-star verifies 29/45 networks, DeepZ verifies 2/45 networks, DeepPoly verifies 10/45 networks.
Safety Verification of an Advanced Emergency Braking System
Safety Requirement: Time-To-Collission (TTC) > Full Braking Time, i.e., at anytime, we have enough time to apply full brake without collision
Reachable sets of Time-To-Collision, the system is safe
Star-set method can neglect/reduce significantly the conservativeness in reachable set computation
Provably Safe Initial Conditions
Safety Verification of Advanced Adaptive Cruise Control System
Safety requirement: d = x_lead - x_ego > d_safe = 10 + 1.4 v_ego
There is the case that d < d_safe, the system is unsafe
d is always larger than d_safe, the system is safe
Robustness Verification of VGG16 under Adversarial Attacks
16 layers, 138M parameters
Classify images into 1000 classes
Top 5 accurate classifier
Is VGG16 robust for a <= 2x10^(-7) ?
YES! The network is robust if a <= 2 x 10^(-7)
Output ranges of a MNIST network obtained by ImageStar, DeepZ and DeepPoly
Robustness Verification of MNIST and M2NIST Semantic Segmentation Networks
A pixel is robust under an attack if its classified label is unchanged
What is the percentage of robust pixels of a network under an attack?
What is the sensitivity of a network under an attack?
What is the robust IoU (Intersection-over-Union) of a network under an attack?
Segmentation reach set covers all possible classified labels of all pixels under an attack.
Verification of MNIST segmentation networks
Depending on the size of the attack and the number of attacked pixels, the number of misclassified pixels and unknown pixels may vary.