Verification and Validation for Assured Autonomy

Hoang-Dung Tran

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

School of Computing

Research Interests: Formal Methods, Safe AI, Cyber-Physical Systems, Robotics, Control

Bio: I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I earned a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University in August 2020. My research interests are reachability analysis and robustness certification of deep neural networks (DNN), formal verification of autonomous cyber-physical systems(CPS) with learning-enabled components, safe and robust training for DNN, real-time verification and safe motion planning for distributed CPS. I am also interested in robust control, stability analysis of nonlinear control systems, and networked control systems. I am a co-director of the NIMBUS Lab at UNL where I lead the Verification and Validation for Assured Autonomy Group. 

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