
About Women in Big Data

The goal of the Women in Big Data Forum is to strengthen diversity in the big data & analytics field. Their mission is to encourage and attract more female talent and help them connect, engage and grow.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.

—Tim Brown, IDEO

Phases for Using Design Thinking in This Hackathon:

  1. Choose Your Challenge—Identify which challenge your team is most interested in.

  2. Gather Inspiration—In order to come up with creative solutions, dive deeply into analyzing and empathizing with WIBD and the women they help.

  3. Generate Ideas—Push past obvious solutions to get to breakthrough ideas.

  4. Make Ideas Tangible—Build rough prototypes or sketches to communicate and improve upon your ideas.

  5. Test to Learn—Refine ideas by gathering feedback from mentors.

  6. Share the Story—Craft your presentation and share your creative ideas at the final presentation day.


Presentations should be a maximum of 10 minutes long - so keep it short and to the point. We recommend the following format:

  1. Challenge - Identify the problem space your team chose to work on

  2. Method - Briefly explain the methodology your team used to come up with solutions

  3. Solution(s) - Walk us through the solution(s) your team came up with and explain how this will help WIBD further its mission

  4. Next Steps - Briefly suggest the next steps WIBD should take to implement your idea

New to Slack?

We will be communicating and answering questions via Slack for this event, and recommend connecting with your team this way as well.

To get started, join the Falcon Grad Slack group here. Then click on the #hackathon2021 official Hackathon channel to get exclusive advice from Women in Big Data, and the latest announcements.

Session Recordings

Oct 1st - Kickoff

Oct 2nd - Creativity Workshop

Oct 10th - Presentations