Welcome to Ux Package

Idea: A welcome package/basket from Ux Kids Care and our community.

Why: Our hope is that we can help new families to feel excited about moving to Uxbridge/Durham. Our first idea was for our refugee family but it could be helpful for any newcomer!

Next steps: We collecting ideas and starting to film and capture our favourite places. We are looking for your ideas and suggestions for both a physical and a virtual welcome package. What are some of your favourite places around Uxbridge? How are they different in different season? What would be helpful for a newcomer to Uxbridge to know about?

Ideas for the welcome package from the kids so far:

Tour of parks

Events for when family arrives

Map of trails

Map of town with areas that could be helpful highlighted

[grocery stores, schools, pharmacy] translate in Arabic for our refugee family

Uxbridge through the seasons guide

Info for special events

Where to get candy...

Ice Cream from Kawartha Dairy

Blue Heron books certificate

Visual cards, symbols for English learning

What could we send to our refugee family ahead of time?

Car/Video tour of Uxbridge translated into Arabic

We could learn some Arabic [hi, bye, my name is, etc.]