Thank You,

we are one step closer to our goal!

All Uxbridge Kids Care actions move us closer to GOING THE DISTANCE from Syria to Uxbridge.

To our friends, family and communities,

Uxbridge Kids Care is: Reuniting family - Making a Difference in our Community - Fundraising for a Cause

We Are Going The Distance and we need your help as a sponsor or your willingness to participate!

Who is Uxbridge Kids Care? Youth answer: UKC is a group founded in October 2020 and it is dedicated to helping a Syrian refugee family be reunited as part of their family lives here in North Durham. Our group is helping to fundraise to make this happen. (Thomas)

Some of our youth-led initiatives:

  • Run-Walk-Bike-Ski-Skate-Snowshoe Fundraiser - raised $1975

  • Raking/Shovelling - raised $70

  • Holiday Pet Stockings - raised $150

  • Bracelets For A Cause - raised $205

  • Paper Flowers - raised $100

  • Make a Difference in May - Virtual Garage Sale - raised over $400 (still going!)

  • Virtual Welcome Package - tour of Uxbridge through pictures, video (in progress)

  • *coming soon* a second event to get our bodies moving

TOTAL to date raised by the kids: over $3000!!

Finn: "I chose to run/bike/walk/ski/snowshoe/skate 92 km because it is inspiring to do it and know that each time you go, you are getting closer to closing the gap from Syria to Uxbridge."

Kelly, Parent: "We loved the idea; it's a real show of solidarity with this family. There are a lot of fitness concerns with youth here in Canada right now due to inactivity from the pandemic so a fitness goal like this is really good for kids AND their families!"

Thomas/Zoe: This will help raise money to make a difference and will help those who take part because it involves exercise and this helps you stay healthy. Also because it is Covid, this fundraiser lets us stay socially distanced, let's you track your own distance travelled, and it can help families spend time together. You can also donate online so this keeps everyone safe!

More about us:

UKC is a youth branch of North Durham Refugee Reunification who is working together to GO THE DISTANCE to represent the gap between Syria and Uxbridge which is 9,133km.

Our group goal is to raise as much as we can to support the larger sponsorship goal of $35,000. Check out more of our fundraising ideas on our website: Uxbridge Kids Care. Many thanks to Cindy Wood and Team for helping to support start-up costs in all fundraising initiatives by the youth.

Thanks for your support, UKC, Uxbridge Kids Care

A youth branch of North Durham Refugee Reunification. Many thanks to Cindy Wood and Team for helping to support start-up costs in all fundraising initiatives by the youth.