Tuesday To-Do List

For those who want to know what they're getting into, below are listed the tasks that volunteers do every Tuesday.

1. SIGN IN on the sheet just inside the door by initialling beside your name if it's there, or put your full name if it's not there. Use the black marker to make yourself a name tag from the labels on the counter with your first name on it.


  • 10 tables set for 8 people each (NOTE: Much of the table setting is done earlier in the day.)
    • plastic tablecloths, placemats and napkins in napkin holders
    • knives, salt and pepper
  • 1 cold drink table
    • 6 trays of large glasses
    • turn glasses upright for ease of pouring drinks
  • 1 hot drink table (in the dining area to the left of serving tables)
    • plastic tablecloth
    • mugs and stir sticks
    • sugar and artificial sweetener
    • large coffee urn ready to plug in at 4:30 p.m. - (use 2 cups of ground coffee for 48 cups) - place a tray on the floor under the spigot for the coffee urn - it drips
  • Serving tables
    • stack of plates where guests can reach them if wanted
    • stacks of soup bowls - in front of the pots
    • 2 saucers, 2 ladles and 2 hot pads
    • basket of 80 (counted) soup spoons
    • dirty dish containers at the window to the kitchen


  • Before 5:15 p.m.
    • wash apples in single sink, dry with tea towel and put in the large wicker basket and place on serving tables
    • cut up carrots and celery for 11 tables (have at least 1 extra)
    • make up and distribute 11 dishes of margarine (have at least 1 extra) - line with paper cup first to make clean up easier
    • make up 11 wicker plates of crackers - put napkin on plate first
    • make up 3 platters of cookies
  • After 5:15 p.m.
    • fill and distribute 11 bread baskets
    • get 3 bags of milk ready and leave in fridge
    • fill 3 clear pitchers with apple juice
    • make up 2 white plastic pitchers of lemonade (4 cans of water to 1 can of lemonade) - do not put lids on the pitchers
    • put out small jug (with red lid) of milk on the hot drink table
    • boil electric kettle and make a large pot of tea (3 teabags) - steep for 5 minutes & take out tea bags before putting teapot out on hot drink table - fill the kettle with water and plug in again to have it ready in case needed
    • put out pitchers of drinks (milk, apple juice, lemonade and water) as we start serving - pour some glasses to make the serving line move smoother
    • put out 1 basket of apples and 1 platter of cookies on the serving tables when we start serving (there are signs to put out with the apples & cookies)


  • 2 servers for soup - 1 ½ ladles of soup per bowl - our guests are able to come back as many times as they wish - they are to use the same spoon (that’s how we keep track of how many attend the meal) & plate, but they are to put their dirty soup bowl in the grey bins on the counter - if you notice someone put their spoon in the dirty dish bin, just take a clean spoon out of the drawer & put it in the basket to keep the count accurate
  • volunteers to keep tables stocked with crackers, bread, margarine and vegetables
  • 2 people to ensure that drinks are always available
  • re-stock plates and bowls for the servers
  • count and replace soup spoons as needed
  • scrape and wash dishes in sink
  • load/stack dishwasher trays and put through the dishwasher
  • dry and put away clean dishes (please stack large glasses alternately - up and down - in the cupboard so that they’ll all fit)
  • set up the kitchen table for the volunteers’ dinner.


  • put away any leftover food and drinks
  • put away other table items
  • wash down tablecloths with javex/water spray. Do not use javex mixture if there are still guests eating. When dry, fold and return tablecloths to long drawer behind the kitchen door
  • clean stove tops
  • wipe down kitchen counters and table
  • empty and clean slop pail
  • after all dishes are done, clean & drain the dishwasher