UWO Biochemistry Volunteer Project

Volunteering to these programs has been suspended as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. A new schedule will be posted when volunteering resumes.

Welcome to the UWO Biochemistry Volunteer Project

Join us in helping two local hospitality programs that provide meals to anyone in need. Note that this project has no formal link to the Department of Biochemistry, but is an informal effort to help the London community and strengthen relationships within the department.


Tuesdays: A hearty soup, bread/buns/bagels, carrot and celery sticks, apples, cookies, coffee, tea, lemonade, apple juice and milk are provided to the public. Volunteer duties are explained on the Tuesday To-Do List.

Saturdays: A nourishing meal is provided to the public. Volunteer duties are explained on the Saturday Information Page.


Tuesdays: Meals are served every Tuesday between 5:30 and 7:00 pm. Volunteers are needed between 4:30 and 8:00, although volunteers who can't come for the entire time are still welcome.

Saturdays: Meals are served every Saturday between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. Volunteers are needed between 3:30 and 7:00.

We are seeking volunteers on an ongoing basis; volunteer for as many or as few meals as you like!


Tuesdays: Rowntree United Church, 156 Elliott Street (at Cheapside, see map below). Enter from the parking lot on east side of the building, through the door on the right as you face the building (not the large glass door). If the door is locked, press the buzzer and, when it is answered, identify yourself as a volunteer.

To get to Rowntree from campus, catch the 6 bus at Natural Science and connect with the 21 eastbound at Richmond and Cheapside. Volunteers with cars are encouraged to offer rides to and from campus to other volunteers who need them.

Saturdays: St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, 280 St. James Street (at Wellington, see map below). Enter via the marked door off Wellington Street (if it's locked, just knock).


We are inviting anyone affiliated with the Biochemistry Department at Western University to get involved. This includes friends and family!


  • help the community
  • meet other people in the department
  • Tuesday volunteers get a free meal after guests are served
  • Saturday volunteers often go out for dinner at a nearby restaurant
  • the organizers appreciate it! St. John's says, "Thank you for all you do to help the guests of our St. John's Hospitality Dinners feel welcome to enjoy a home-cooked dinner in a warm and safe environment. Your commitment, hard work, and support for the program is very much appreciated."

How to volunteer

Consult the schedule to see dates for which volunteers are needed. Inform Derek McLachlin (dmclach3@uwo.ca) of the date(s) you would like to volunteer. If you have a car and are willing to give other volunteers rides to and from the church, please indicate how many people you can take when you sign up. Please let us know at least a week in advance of the date you wish to volunteer. Note that the churches will find volunteers for dates that we can't fill.