Teaching Online

Course Description

This course introduces the participants to best practices for teaching an online course at UVI. The course explores various factors that contribute to a successful and positive online/hybrid learning experience for the students. 

Faculty will earn a Completion Certificate upon successful completion (> 80%) of the specified activities in the course.  

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:


This course assumes that you


For best experience, you will need a computer with fast Internet access, a speaker/headphones, a microphone, and a camera. You will also  need a browser (Chrome), MS Office Suite (or similar) and Adobe Acrobat reader (for PDF files).

You will need to engage with course activities for approximately 4 hours per week. There will be a weekly one hour long synchronous session conducted via Teams.  While attendance is not required, it is highly encouraged.

Next  Cohort 

Interested in participating in a future cohort? 

Please submit the request by filling out the form below.