UVI Faculty Resources 

1. Blackboard Course Template 

The course template in Blackboard can be copied for you to use. It has navigation that is already set up for Announcements, Faculty and Course Introduction, video tutorials on Blackboard for students,  and individual modules. You can edit the content to suit your course.  Please contact Dr. Ameeta Jadav if you would like to get a copy of the template for your own use. 

2. Course Development using Blackboard 

A series of short videos that introduce you to  various features of Blackboard.  Access these videos here. 

3. Course Design Framework

The framework allows you to plan the topics, outcomes and assessments for your course. This framework can then help you with the course design. View and download the course design framework (MS Word). 

4. Course Design Template 

The Course Design Template will help you organize the content for your online courses. You can download the template and open it in Microsoft Word to edit it.   View and download the course design template (MS Word).

5. Course Grading Plan Template 

The Course Grading Plan Template will help you plan the grading for your course. You can download the template and open it in Microsoft Excel to edit it.  View and download the course grading plan template (MS Excel). 

6. Expected Student Workload Template 

This template allows you to estimate the student workload for your course. The student workload should be aligned to the credits students earn for the course.  You can download the template and open it in Microsoft Excel to edit it.  View and download the expected student workload template (MS Excel). 

7. Guidelines for Participating in Online Discussion Boards  

Feel free to share with students or embed in your online courses with the discussion prompts.  Access the guidelines here. 

8. Designing & Managing Effective Online Discussions. 

Use this guide as a starting point to design and manage online discussions. 

9. Online Course Review Checklist 

The course design checklist can be helpful to faculty before they start designing the online course. It also serves as a QA checklist once they have completed the development.  View and download the course design checklist (MS Word). 

10. Syllabus Style Sheet 

This style sheet specifies the formatting and design elements of a syllabus file. You can download it and modify it to suite your needs.   View and download the syllabus style sheet (MS Word) 

11. Kaltura Video Resources

Videos and online resources that could help you record, upload and embed videos in your courses on Blackboard.  Access these videos here. 

Student Advising 

Advisor Handbook