Student Services Team


To create a community of partnerships that empowers families by providing support, resources, and communication.

Strong Start Coordinator

Provides a smooth transition into our school for our students and an efficient process for our staff including Welcome to UTVA/Steps to Success newsletters as soon as students are approved, Student First Strong Start Outreach and comprehensive individualized family support for all newly enrolled families.

Family Engagement Coordinator

Provides Learning Coach training and support through BBC live classes, live events, school newsletters, live parent events, and individual family support.

Truancy/Attendance Interventionist

Provides support and establish accountability to families regarding attendance. Tier 3 support includes live BBC classes and setting up home visits and/or follow up support.

School Social Worker

Provides support to remove barriers that impede on each student’s educational and engagement success. Tier 3 support includes individual family support and home visits.

Communication Coordinator

Streamlines messaging and communication so Learning Coaches and students know what is happening in the school to create a community.

Getting Started With Middle School at UTVA

Student and parent usernames and passwords are unique and must not be shared with anyone. Each will have separate usernames and passwords, one for the Learning Coach and one for the student.

Attending an orientation session is a key to success with the middle school program. Course Teachers offer live orientations during the first week of school. You will be notified of these orientations via email. Should you miss any of the live course orientations, you will be able to access a recorded version located in the ClassConnect section of each course. If you have trouble locating the recording, please contact your Course Teacher. You should attend or view the course orientations before getting started in each course. Students should log in daily to all of their courses and complete the assignments listed on the course’s calendar. It is recommended that students study at least one hour, per course, per day.

Strong Start

Family Academic Support Specialist

New students to UTVA will be assigned to a Family Academic Support Liaison (FASL) and placed in a grade level team. The Family Academic Support Liaison will send a welcome email, make a welcome call to explain the on-boarding/Strong Start process, answer any questions, and monitor/track completion of Strong Start items. Follow-up calls, emails, and conferences will be held for any student who has not completed their Strong Start items. Any students who are unresponsive to contact within 10 days after the start of school will be submitted for withdrawal per school attendance/enrollment policies.

Strong Start On-boarding Checklist

In order to be considered proficient, students and Learning Coaches must complete the following items:

➢ Attend one orientation

➢ Create Learning Coach and Student accounts

➢ Demonstrate understanding of email by sending or replying to at least one email

➢ Complete PLA or other readiness course assessments

➢ Complete the Online Learning Course

➢ Attendance must be up-to-date in the parent account and progress must be made in all courses