• Mr. Paul Grainger –University College London-UCL is Co Director of the Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, Enterprise lead for the Department of Education, Practice and Society, and a Professional Tutor for Initial Teacher Training at UCL Institute of Education. He undertakes professional development, research and dissemination on formally assessed and post compulsory education. This has involved research in to effective teaching strategies and curriculum delivery, and in to models of assessment. He has wide knowledge of the responses of institutions and professionals to policy change, and leads on strategic planning, management and governance development, principally in the Further Education sector. Previously Paul spent thirty years in further education. For 10 years he was a Chief Examiner for the City & Guilds, and has been an FE Inspector. In the 90’s, as Director of Curriculum at S E Essex College, he contributed to the outstanding achievement of that college, set the strategic context for a major new campus, and formed a partnership with Essex University for the provision of Higher Education. More recently, as the Principal of a college in Liverpool, he created a new sixth-form campus to replace provision from three failing schools. He was a core member of the Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training. His present research includes a comparison of curriculum arrangements across jurisdictions with high PISA ratings, a review of Further Education in England, progression from Further Education to higher education, and quality assurance in preparing candidates for ordination within the Church of England. He has led research on issues that derive from the Commission for Adult Vocational Teaching and Learning, and was a lead contributor to the highly acclaimed The coming of Age for FE? More recently he has looked at successful regional skills systems, entry in to work, and the importance of skills strategies for regeneration. Recently he has worked on strategies for employer engagement, Programmes of Study, and Future Apprenticeships. This has led to his participation in the 2018 G20 process (chaired by Argentina). He has submitted 3 policy briefs on the future of work.

    • Prof. Mick Fletcher University College London-UCL

Mick Fletcher is a Fellow of the Post-14 Centre for Education and Work at UCL, a director of RCU Ltd. and a freelance consultant specialising in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). His contributions to work at UCL include chapters of the book ‘Coming of Age for FE’ - Hodgson, A. (Ed) and papers on the reform of technical education and the funding of TVET institutions. He was also part of the UCL team leading the ‘two-way street’ project on developing college-employer links.

RCU Ltd is a small company that specialises in the analysis and presentation of data concerning the TVET sector and its institutions. Its products include a Labour Market Information tool to help TVET institutions plan their curriculum and an apprenticeship analyser, which looks at recruitment patterns. Mick’s recent work with RCU includes a national report on the local impact of college based Higher Education supported by institution level analyses; and a project mapping the landscape of higher technical education.

Until 2006, Mick worked for the UK Learning and Skills Development Agency leading a programme of research into the funding and planning of TVET. Since setting up as an independent consultant and researcher he has worked for a range of public and private clients across the four countries of the UK and internationally. This has included drafting the first skills strategy for the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership; estimating the scale of demand for higher technical education (with Frontier Economics, one of the largest economic consultancies in Europe) and preparing a publication for the Campaign for Learning, a UK based Think Tank, on government proposals for reforms to vocational education.

Mick’s international experience includes working with polytechnics in Nigeria and Swaziland, leading study tours examining TVET provision across Europe, the USA and Japan, and contributing papers to CEDEFOP (the European TVET centre) on loans, learning accounts and apprenticeships.

    • Mg.Ing. Silvia Lanza Castelli-UTN-FRC Universidad Tecnológica Nacional -Facultad Córdoba- Teacher research Analist & Systems Engineer -Especialist in Teacher University -Master’s degree in Strategic Management in Software Engineering , Expositor -IV Argentine Congress of Engineering - X Argentine congress of education in engineering-Holiday Inn Hotel- Córdoba- SEP-18 Work title: Interaction between trade and environment: the treatment of sustainable green trade from Mercosur to the Province of Córdoba (1992 - 2017). Industrial Department -JEIN- - teaching day in engineering-Córdoba- " Globalización, Comercio internacional y medio ambiente" OCT-18 Expositor -IV Argentine Congress of Engineering - X Argentine congress of education in engineering- Work title: Gestión ágil del conocimiento y competencias generadas en un entorno de aprendizaje colaborativo en el ámbito universitario -SEP-18 JEIN- teaching day in engineering- Work title: Metodologías Ágiles aplicadas a la Gestión del Conocimiento como herramienta colaborativa.OCT-18- Staff training MDS-SENNAF-DBA and developer -coordinators of projects of Argentina national/provincial government end Unicef, OEA and child helpline international - Currently, coordinates activities related to I&D and transfer of knowledge in the field of education, new collaborative technologies, Agile methodologies, Scrum, Kanban and knowledge management. Production of scientific material for workshop and conference related to the production of software and the university academic training of engineers. Researcher in PID UTN 4834

    • Eng. Fanny Montoya -UTN-FRC-Universidad Tecnológica Nacional -Facultad Córdoba-UTN-FRC-An Information Systems Engineer graduated at Universidad Tecnologica Nacional-FRC, Diploma about Improvement of Process graduated at Univesidad Siglo 21 and ISTQB Certified Tester – Foundation Level. Coordinator of the PROFOCO program for testing, Organized by UTN FRC and Government of Córdoba -2013- Coordinator of the EMPLEOS DEL FUTURO program for testing, Organized by UTN FRC and Municipality of Córdoba- 2019- Professor of Syntax and Semantics of the Language- (Theory of Computation), Operating System , Testing of Software ( coordinator) – UTN-FRC Systems Engineer's career and coordinator of the Diploma in Testing of software- Have been Working as senior consultant in areas related to software development and testing based in Agile and waterfall. Introducing techniques to work in Continues Integration. I have more than 18 years of experience in technical and organizational roles related to IT and specially to Software development and testing. Companies ( kolektor, Bancor, SGE, Samsung Innovation and Strategies,Globant- NYSE ecommerce, Roomkey, Slacker, MGO, Carnival Cruise Line, Autocad360, sophieAndJulie, Sony, GroupM, Intel, Motorola Solutions, Common Services, Infotrak 911, Suquia Bank, ADV , caja de ingenieros-Aker) - Speaker in Seminar : “Testing Agile” July 2018; “The virtual classroom as an evaluation and monitoring tool" February-2018; “Homologation Testing in Financial Entities” March-2017: Automated Service Testing September-2016; 2Implementation of the virtual classroom”- April, 2016, “Automated Software Testing Architectures” - September 26, 2015 October 10, 2014, September 11, 2014; Introduction to Automated Testing" Place: UTN-7th CNEISI Congress- Villa Maria - Date: 2013; Alternative techniques of presentation of Practical Works – February 2013 ;Memory in Windows – February 2011; "Organizational approach to testing” -October -2010- Team member of I&D Researcher TEUTCO0004981 ( PID) Development of accessible environments for Higher Education in Engineering: Application to the career of Information Systems Engineering- Team member of I&D Researcher UTN4834 - Knowledge Management and Analysis of interactions in a collaborative learning environment.