Ætlunin með vinnustofunum er að ná dýpt frekar en breidd.

Ekki verða grunnar kynningar á viðfangsefninu heldur dýpri 'hands-on' vinnustofur þar sem fólk kafar, ræðir og prófar með öðru mjög áhugasömu og hæfileikaríku fólki. Gott ef þátttakendur komi á vinnustofu og verði búnir að kynna sér grunnatriðin og ná í það sem þarf.



1. Bringing the world into the classroom with Google Tour Creator

Google Tour Creator is a new tool that makes VR content creation easy and accessible to anyone with a computer. No special equipment required. Just a Chrome browser and a little creativity is all it takes! This workshop is designed to help participants learn how Tour Creator can be leveraged both to explain concepts to students (teacher-created tours) and for students to explain what they have learned through experiential learning (student-created tours). Participants experience a short VR tour using exemplars provided, to gain an understanding of how VR can connect to curriculum.

2. Storytelling with Apple Clips in the classroom

Clips, a free iOS app for iPhone and iPad, creates a fun new way for video to redefine how students demonstrate learning. In this hands-on session you’ll explore how to capture and share learning moments with new features like Live Titles, filters, stickers, and more.

3. Exploring block based coding

Have you been interested in coding in your classroom but do not know where to start? This workshop is for beginner coders looking to get a better understanding of how to use Scratch and the brand new and still in beta, Arcade Makecode. Attendees will spend time working through each program learning how to use them and how to integrate them into their classroom. Attendees will leave the session with a stronger understanding of block based coding and with a lesson ready to implement into their classroom.

4. The evolution of literacy in the digital age. Rethinking what it means to read.

With the influx of mobile devices, multimedia websites, e-books, interactive graphics, and social media, there's no question that literacy is changing. But are we adjusting our pedagogy to adopt and adapt literacy instruction to meet the needs of today’s learner?

In this new learning landscape, we rethink what it means to “read” and craft lessons that explicitly teach students to analyze a photo, closely read a video clip and read the world. We’ll explore the latest research on digital reading and identify new sites strategies to use within the curriculum. Together, we’ll investigate new entry points for all learners and share ideas for empowering students to author their own messages as content creators in today’s digital culture.

5. 20 time Project Deep Dive (Genius Hour and Project Based Learning)

Interested in learning more about 20time projects? Hear greater details on how 20time projects actually work day-to-day with insights into how to get a project launched, how to communicate with parents and administrators, and how to keep students motivated. Also learn how to design an inspiring showcase event to celebrate and showcase student projects. Finally, participate (or lurk) in a roundtable discussion on a deeper roundtable discussion on 20time.

6. Creating a Flipped video lesson that is worth it!

I used to dislike the term “flipped classroom” because it sounded like a student does not need a real teacher anymore. It also sounded like a teacher needed to be a tech expert. Turns out, an effective flipped lesson (a.k.a. video lesson), can only be done by high quality, real teachers! It creates more opportunity for you to teach to the needs of your students and requires low tech skills. Are you curious? Join this session to learn how to create quality short video lessons and you will get to make your first video lesson in the session as well!

7. Make magic with Nearpod

Nearpod fyrirlestrarforritið hefur fyrir löngu sannað sig sem eitt af betri tækjum sem kennarar geta haft í verkfærakistunni sinni þegar kemur að kennslu í gegnum tækni. Á síðustu árum hefur mikið af nýjungum verið bætt við og ætlum við að fara í gegnum helstu hluta forritsins og skoða virknina. Þátttakendur munu búa til sína eigin kynningu og nýta til þess það sem Nearpod býður uppá ásamt því að fræðast um hvernig hægt er að nýta sér Nearpod betur, bæði í kennslustund og sem heimaverkefni t.d. í flippaðri kennslu.


1. Design thinking in the classroom

During this hand-on, action packed two hour workshop, participants will be introduced to the concept of using design thinking to develop creative solutions to meaningful problems.

The majority of the workshop is a Design Sprint. Participants will learn the process of design by developing a solution to a common challenge. The session includes techniques for empathizing with a user, ideating solutions and iterating on those ideas. These repeatable methods can be used with to help them solve real world problems. Along the way, we will show how these methods can be used with students build their skills in creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking.

2. Cultivating Critical Thinkers with Learn To Code

This workshop introduces educators to the Learn to Code curriculum and Swift Playgrounds as a platform to foster critical thinking and to encourage coding instruction at an early age to better prepare them for an unknown tomorrow.

Using the lens of fostering problem solvers and collaborators, the facilitator guides the participants through example learning activities found in the Learn to Code curriculum to include unplugged activities, solving puzzles, reflection journal, and cross-curricular connections.

3. Ready, Set, Make! MakerSpaces across the curriculum

This session will explore the value of Making in schools. Teachers will have an opportunity to explore many different aspects of a Makerspace and see student created projects. Tools that can be found in a Makerspace will be discussed and many links and examples will be shown to give attendees a good feel of what a Makerspace can look like in their school..

If you think that Makerspaces are just for STEM classes, then this is where you want to me because this session will take the idea of Makerspaces and show you how it is used across the entire curriculum. We need to stop thinking about STEM and focus on STEAM because all students deserve the opportunity to tinker and make. This session will focus on the different types of making that can take place across the curriculum and allow for teachers to build a lesson that incorporates making as part of their classroom. Also, you can't have a Makerspace session without making, so teachers will have a Maker Challenge to complete for the second half of the workshop.

4. Power to the little ones -> iPads in the early grades.

Technology transforms learning for all students but may have the greatest impact on developing readers and writers. This session will share strategies for leveraging digital tools with our youngest learners to capture student thinking, differentiate instruction and provide multimodal response options. From annotation with a drawing tool, to video feedback and collaboration on a learning management system, we’ll unpack student work samples and video lessons to find new instructional practices to empower students in the early years.

Suggested Age Range: K-6

5. Make iPad, iPhone and Android apps with Google Slides

Learn how to make fully functional tablet and phone apps with no coding required. In this session that introduces participants to branching logic and linked objects in slides, even the most novice computer user will be able to create visually compelling mobile apps. Learn to create a Oregon Trail game, an animal track identifier app, and an “Explore the Parts of an Image” app.

6. Personalized learning with HIGH and low tech strategies

The term, “personalized learning”, is becoming very popular in the education world. Sometimes, people associate it with a classroom where all students are learning on laptops. This is false! Personalized learning is an approach to instruction that helps every single student find their strengths and be successful in school. This fun session will focus on how to easily create a student-centered, personalized learning classroom that includes a mix of both technology and non-technology strategies. Your classroom may already resemble this type of learning. Let’s fine tune it and make it even more personalized to each of your students. Walk away with strategies you can use tomorrow in your classroom.