School and Conference: 

Macaulay2, Computational Algebraic Geometry and String Theory

Held at the University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

May 28th - May 30th, 2024 (Conference)

May 31st (discussion)

June 1st - June 5th, 2024 (Workshop)


The conference will be held May 28th - May 30th.  A list of speakers is below:

Talks will be held in JWB 335.  Breakout rooms in JWB 208,308, 333 and LCB 215, 121.

For more details and the schedule, click here:  Conference 


The school will be held June 1st - June 5th.  The school will include tutorials by:

There will also be a talk by:

For more details and the schedule, click here:  Workshop 


We hope to engage a diverse set of participants at the school and conference.  To be considered for funding, you should register by Friday March 29th.  

Click here for registration 

For travel and local information:  

Follow this link:  Local information (and travel) 

Organizing committee:

David Eisenbud, Dan Grayson, Anton Leykin, Andre Lukas, Devlin Mallory, Liam McAllister, Karl Schwede, Mike Stillman


This conference is funded by NSF Grant #2001206. 

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).