
The project has and continues to contribute substantially to workforce development by training graduate students,  junior faculty/physician-researchers and master’s level researchers.

PhD Students

Qi Qian, PhD Student (training period: 2021- current, UCLA) 

Qian Q, Nguyen DV, Telesca D, Kurum E, Rhee CM, Banerjee S, Li Y, Senturk D (2024) Multivariate spatiotemporal functional principal component analysis for modeling hospitalization and mortality rates in dialysis patients. Biostatistics, in-press.

Qian Q, Nguyen DV, Kurum E, Rhee CM, Banerjee S, Li Y, Senturk D (2024) Multivariate varying coefficient spatiotemporal model. Statistics in Biosciences, in-press. 

Eric Hayes, PhD Student (training period: 2022- 2024, UC Riverside)

Isaac Quintanilla Salinas, PhD 2022 (training period: 2021 - 2022, UC Riverside)

Yihao Li, PhD 2021 (training period: 2016 - August 2021, UCLA)

Li Y, Nguyen DV, Kurum E, Rhee CM, Chen Y, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Senturk D (2020) A multilevel mixed effects varying coefficient model with multilevel predictors and random effects for modeling hospitalization risk in patients on dialysis. Biometrics, 76(3), 924-938.

Li Y, Nguyen DV, Banerjee S, Rhee CM, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kurum E, Senturk D (2021) Multilevel modeling of spatially nested functional data: Spatiotemporal patterns of hospitalization rates in the US dialysis population. Statistics in Medicine, 40(17):3937-3952.

Jason P. Estes, PhD 2015 (training period: 2012 - December 2015, UCLA)

Estes JP, Nguyen DV, Chen Y, Dalrymple LS, Rhee CM, Kalantar-Zedeh K, Senturk D (2018) Time-dynamic profiling with application to hospital readmission among patients on dialysis (with discussion). Biometrics, Dec;74(4):1383-1394.

Estes JP, Nguyen DV, Chen Y, Dalrymple LS, Rhee CM, Kalantar-Zedeh K, Senturk D (2018) Rejoinder: Time-dynamic profiling with application to hospital readmission among patients on dialysis. Biometrics, Dec;74(4):1404-1406.

Sandra M. Mohammed, PhD 2012 (training period: April 2009 – August 2012, UC Davis)

Mohammed SM, Senturk D, Dalrymple DS, Nguyen DV (2012) Measurement error case series models with application to infection-cardiovascular risk in older patients on dialysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, 1310-1323.

Staff Researchers

Amy You, MS (June 2023-present, UC Irvine)

Yanjun (Alice) Chen, MS (training period: March 2015-July 2019, UC Irvine)

Chen Y, Rhee CM, Senturk D, Kurum E, Campos LF, Li Y, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Nguyen DV (2019) Association of U.S. dialysis facility staffing with profiling of hospital-wide 30-day unplanned readmission. Kidney Diseases, 5(3):153-162.

Chen Y, Senturk D, Estes JP, Campos LF, Rhee CM, Dalrymple LS, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Nguyen DV (2021) Performance characteristics of profiling methods and the impact of inadequate case-mix adjustment. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 50, 1854-1871.

Luis F. Campos, MA (training period: August 2012 – June 2014, UC Irvine)

Campos LF, Senturk D, Chen Y, Nguyen DV (2017) Bias and estimation under misspecification of the risk period in self-controlled case series studies. Stat, 6(1), 373-389 DOI: 10.1002/sta4.166.

Yi (Lisa) Mu, MS (training period: January 2010 – 2012 [statistician]; 2012-2015 [PhD student], UC Davis)

Dalrymple, LS, Mohammed SM, Mu Y, Johansen KL, Chertow GM, Grimes B, Kaysen GA, Nguyen DV (2011) The risk of cardiovascular-related events following infection-related hospitalizations in older patients on dialysis. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 6, 1708-1713.