Next public meeting: April 22, 2024 

(Public meetings are usually every FIRST and THIRD Monday of the month at 7pm, unless otherwise noted)

Location: 64 Union Square, Somerville, MA, 02143

or  Zoom

What is the Union Square Neighborhood Council (USNC)? 

Somerville's Union Square Neighborhood Council was created to help shape the future of Union Square as an increasingly inclusive and vibrant neighborhood and commercial center built around the aspirations of the people who live and work here. Membership is open to all residents, property owners, business owners, workers, and volunteers in the Union Square neighborhood, though all are welcome to attend and participate in meetings. Meetings are currently being held via the Zoom videoconferencing software during the present pandemic period.

What is a Community Benefits Agreement? (CBA)

Among the most important of the activities of the Union Square Neighborhood Council is the negotiation of a Community Benefits Agreement with developers. We currently have CBAs with USQ, DLJ, and CV Properties.

CBA: a legally binding agreement between a real estate developer and a community group. The developer agrees to supply particular benefits or to make certain changes in exchange for that community group's support of a project located in that community. 

Community Benefits are specific negotiations that were not in the original development plan and are often used to mitigate potentially harmful environmental, social, or economic impacts. 

Links to our CBAs



CV Properties