Title of Your Portfolio

Your Name
Hyperlink to Resume - optional
Hyperlink to Professional Accounts (e.g., LinkedIn) - optional

Introductory Content:

  • Hometown

  • Major/Minor

  • Career Aspirations

  • Personal Statement of Goal/Purpose and/or Favorite Quote

  • Include a selfie and/or representative image that captures who you are!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Use technology tools such as Google, wisely. Content you provide is not protected by WCU. Do not share personal, student, and/or secure data (e.g., student identification numbers, SSNs, phone numbers et al.)

Outline of Site Contents (Table of Contents):

  • The Learning Plan

    • The Stock 8-semester Plan + Degree Audit

    • The Personalized 8-semester Plan

    • The Learning Plan Reflection

  • The Service Experience

    • FYE Chapter 18: Community Engagement and Service Learning

    • CURE attendance and artifacts

    • Service-Learning Engagement

    • Service-Learning Reflection

  • The Brinson Honors College Touchstone Experience

    • The Touchstone Choice Board Website

    • Showcase of touchstone activities

    • Touchstone Reflection