Finding Articles

You can use many of the techniques for finding books to locate articles in the SJSU King Library OneSearch catalog!

Searching for Articles on the Civil Rights Movement Using King Library's OneSearch

Just as you would search for books, you can use the OneSearch bar to locate relevant articles for your research projects.

  • You can perform a broad search simply by typing keywords into the OneSearch bar at the top of the SJSU King Library Page.
  • You can perform an advanced search where you can narrow your searches by material, date, or through Boolean search.
  • Or, you can search individual databases by visiting King Library's A-Z Database Guide. Here you can search for specific databases, or by discipline to find just the information you need.
  • All of these options allow you to search all of the article databases held by SJSU!

Recommended Article Databases for this Course

African American Studies encompasses a wide variety of disciplines and fields. (For example: History, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, ethnography, etc.) This provides you with a lot of options for databases from a wide variety of disciplines which hold articles related to the civil rights movement! Here a a few excellent places to begin searching for articles.

Recommended Journals for this course:

Specific Journals can also be a rich resource for locating articles. Searching through these discipline specific journals can provide a great deal of information on this era and its effects on current issues.