

The research project is an in-depth activity that will be carried out in teams of five. The project can be on any aspect of natural language processing. You will formulate a research question, identify resources and tools to address the question, implement and evaluate a system that uses these resources and tools, present your project as a poster, and write up a report.

    • The project must involve the use of real-world natural language data, and must include some interesting or non-trivial components. For example: use of multiple or low-resource languages; creation of a new dataset; achieving state-of-the-art performance on an existing dataset; or something else that is interesting or non-trivial.

    • You must submit your code by putting it on a repository (such as GitHub or Bitbucket) and making the link accessible to the instructional staff, at least for the duration of the class (you may choose to make it public or private).

    • Your code may use external, publicly available tools and resources, but only ones that you are able to provide when you submit your code.

The Research Article Presentation is included here because it will be done in the same teams as the project (even though it is not technically part of the project).


By February 14: Form project teams of five (link to spreadsheet is available on Piazza)

By February 28: Article selection for presentation due (earlier gets you better choice of article)

February 22–March 4: Initial discussion of the project with your assigned TA.

March 9: Project proposal due (one page)

March 13–20: Spring Recess

March 21–30: Article presentations (in class)

March 31: Check-in/demo (some working code)

April 20–27: Poster presentations (in class)

April 29: Final report due (last day of classes)


  • Form project teams of five and put them on the team selection sheet (link available on Piazza)

  • Each team will be assigned a TA who is the primary contact for their project.

  • Check in with your TA regularly (check-ins can be via email/piazza or in person/on Zoom, whichever works best):

    • One conversation before you develop your proposal

    • One check-in or demo when you have some working code

    • One check-in when you have results and are ready to prepare your presentation and report

    • Other check-ins as necessary.

  • Select your research article, submit your proposal, present your research article, present a poster your work, and submit your report by the respective deadlines.