Welcome to USA Dance Richmond

Social Dance at Deep Run 02/15/25, 7:00-9:30


Our Mission

Our chapter promotes both the social and the competitive aspects of ballroom dancing among amateur dancers. The Richmond chapter hosts two dances each month on the first and third Saturday's of the month.  We also publish a newsletter with news and information about events of interest to ballroom dancers. 

Next Dance Date:  02/15/25

Location:  Deep Run  

Lesson & Dance:  Night Club 2 (Rock & Catherine) 7:00 - 7:45, Social Dance 7:45 - 9:30 PM, $5 Member / $8 Non-Member, Pay via PayPal Below

Monthly Dance Schedule

Richmond (USA Dance Chapter #6006) First Saturday

Tri-Cities (USA Dance Chapter #6060) Second Saturday

Richmond (USA Dance Chapter #6006) Third Saturday

Admission Fees

These are the admission fees for the two regular Richmond monthly dances. Costs for special events may differ.

Adult (19 & up)

Social Youth Dancer (13 - 18)

Student (19 & older, with ID)