
3rd International Workshop on Urban Computing

Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus Online

July 14-16, 2021

Co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2021

Submission Instructions

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts reporting applied or technical research. Ongoing research with promising results is also welcome. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and selected papers will be organized for presentation at the workshop.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the same volume with the DCOSS 2021 conference proceedings.

All submissions will be exclusively electronic with a maximum length of eight (8) printed pages including title, authors, abstract, figures, diagrams, references and attachments. Articles must be prepared in English following the IEEE two-column Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings (available here) and submitted in PDF format only.

Important Dates

Paper Submission:

May 30, 2021 (new)

Acceptance Notification:
June 11, 2021

Camera Ready:
June 17, 2021