
3rd International Workshop on Urban Computing

Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus Online

July 14-16, 2021

Co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2021


Note: All times are CEST

July 14th

12.10-12:15 Opening

12.15-13.55 Session I: Urban Data Modeling and Mining

Chair: Matheus Ferraroni (Unicamp, Brazil)

Johanna Einsiedler, Yun Cheng, Franz Papst and Olga Saukh.

Transferable Models to Understand the Impact of Lockdown Measures on Local Air Quality. (Best Paper Award)

Alexandra Pereira, Thais Silva, Fabrício Silva, Luiz Correia and Antonio Loureiro.

A Workflow to Detect Traffic Events Using Multiple Algorithms and Data Sources.

Pantelis Tzamalis, Andreas Bardoutsos, Sotiris Nikoletseas, Giorgos Matzarapis and Paul G. Spirakis.

A Complementary Sensing Platform for a holistic approach to Allergic Rhinitis monitoring.

Maria Vitória Rodrigues Oliveira and Islene C Garcia.

Performance Evaluation of Route Suggestion Approaches for Primary Waste Collection.

14:00-15:15 - Keynote Talk “Sensor Networks – Are we any better off after 20+ years of research?” Prof. Julie McCann (Imperial College London, UK)

15.20-17:00 Session II: Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation System

Chair: Torsten Braun (University of Bern, Switzerland)

Farimasadat Miri, Alireza A. Namanloo, Richard Pazzi and Miguel Vargas Martin.

A Novel Short-term Post-accident Traffic Prediction Model.

Matheus Quessada, Douglas Lieira, Rickson Pereira, Robson De Grande and Rodolfo Meneguette.

A Bat Bio-inspired Mechanism for Resource Allocation in Vehicular Clouds.

Matheus Araújo, Matheus Silveira and Rafael Lopes.

Traffic Management of Vehicles based on Urban Mobility and Network Resources Availability.

Rickson S Pereira, Thiago Gomides, Matheus S Quessada, Douglas D Lieira, Rodolfo Meneguette, Daniel L Guidoni, Luis Hideo V Nakamura and Robson de Grande.

Fog-oriented hierarchical resource allocation policy in vehicular clouds.

17.10-18.30 Session III: Infrastructure and Communication

Chair: Roberto Rigolin F. Lopes (Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany)

Lucas Pacheco, Helder Oliveira, Denis Rosário, Zhongliang Zhao, Eduardo Cerqueira, Torsten Braun, and Paulo Mendes.

Towards the Future of Edge Computing in the Sky: Outlook and Future Directions.

Francisco A A Rocha, Eduardo E Mosca, Gabriel da Silva and Rafael Lopes Gomes.

Scalable Channels Allocation in Smart Environments Considering Cross-Interference.

Antonia R S A Cruz, Rafael L Gomes and Marcial P Fernandez.

An Intelligent Mechanism to Detect Cyberattacks of Mirai Botnet in IoT Networks.