Birmingham, July 2-3, 2018

General Information

The meeting took take place at the University of Birmingham. On July 2, there was a general Urban Fluids SIG meeting, and on July 3 small teams worked on developing research proposals. Attendance to the meeting was free as always.

Below you will find the programme. We will upload copies of the presentations as we receive them.

The group during the proposal workshop on July 3, 2018 at the University of Birmingham


Monday July 2

Rm G34, Building Y3 (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building)

9.30 Coffee

10.00 Welcome (Zheng-Tong Xie, Andrew Quinn)

10.05 Urban Fluid Mechanics - measuring and modelling complex realities, Chris Baker (Birmingham). Chair Hassan Hemida

11.00 Coffee

11.30 Invited talks (3x20 minutes). Chair Gabriel Rooney

· Modelling urban flows in a commercial context, Ruth Shilston (RWDI)

· Aerodynamic Interactions of Wind and Trees, Mohamed Salim (Dundee)

· UMEP: a collective urban climate toolbox, Ting Sun (Reading)

12.30 Tuesday workshop registration (Maarten van Reeuwijk)

12.35 Lunch

Rm G34, Building Y3 (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building)

14.00 Urban flows Database, Janet Barlow (Reading).

· Introduction (10 minutes)

· Discussion of available data

o DIPLOS (Zheng-Tong Xie)

o DAPPLE (Alan Robins),

o ACTUAL and ClearFlo (Janet Barlow)

o Arup data (Steven Downing & Andrew Allsop)

o DSTL data (Steven Herring)

o Hamburg / non-UK data (Denise Hertwig)

o Reading data (Sue Grimmond)

o Historical Chemical and Biological Trials (Tim Foat)

· Group discussions/brainstorm (Rooms G34, G36)

· Feedback and future work

16.15 Close

16.30 UFM SIG committee meeting + facilitators day 2 (First floor of Building Y3, F25).

19.00 Dinner

CFD simulations of the South part of the University of Birmingham campus showing buildings' surface pressure and wind velocity at pedestrian level (image courtesy of Hassan Hemida).

Tuesday July 3

Rm G34, Building Y3 (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building)

9:00 Introduction (Maarten van Reeuwijk)

9:10 Parallel group discussions to develop proposal ideas (coffee available)

(1) Multi-scale modelling and integrated tool development, Amir Khan (Shell Lounge)

(2) Tall buildings effect on flow and dispersion in urban areas, Maarten van Reeuwijk (Room G34)

(3) Modelling indoor and outdoor exchange, Neveen Hamza (Room G36)

(4) Local and non-local stratification effect on flow and dispersion in urban areas, Zheng-Tong Xie (Shell Lounge)

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Parallel group discussions, contd (potentially change groups)

12:00 Feedback to group

12.30 Lunch

13.30 End