MS in Nonprofit Management


The Master of Science in Nonprofit Management program at Worcester State University provides you with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary to be a successful leader in the local and national nonprofit and public sectors as well as at international nongovernmental organizations.

Geared toward working adults, our flexible program can be completed either full- or part-time, and our rolling admissions process allows you to start your studies at a time that’s right for you. With the possibility of transferring in up to 12 credits of graduate work, our program is also an exceptional value. We also offer a 4-Plus option for our current undergraduate urban studies and sociology majors that enable the undergraduate and graduate degree requirements to be completed in 5 years.

In small classes, you’ll explore a wide array of nonprofit fields—including health and human services, education, culture, and the arts—and learn about current best practices from faculty who are active in the sector. They use case studies and research projects to ensure that you develop the global perspective and management expertise you need to advance your career.

Outside the classroom, you’ll have numerous opportunities to gain hands-on experience and sharpen your skills through internships at nonprofit organizations, independent study projects, and collaborative research with faculty. To cap the program, you’ll undertake a comprehensive research thesis project in an area of interest to you, presenting your findings orally and in a written report of publishable quality.


Program Credit Hours (36 graduate credits broken down as follows):

  • 22 core credits

  • 6 elective credits

  • 8 thesis credits

Core Courses

  • NM 901 The Nonprofit World: NGOs, the State and Civil Society (3 credits)

  • NM 934 Ethics and Management of Human Resources (3 credits)

  • NM 942 Organizational Theory (3 credits)

  • NM 945 Financial Management (3 credits)

  • NM 949 Strategic Leadership and Planning (3 credits)

  • NM 951 Grant Writing (4 credits)

  • NM 993 Marketing & Resource Development (3 credits)

Elective Courses

Students may choose any two electives offered in the program. They may also choose to do an independent study and/or an internship. The independent study and the internship count as elective credits. Only 1 independent study may be taken during the student’s program of study. All electives, the independent study, and the internship are 3 credits each.

Thesis Project

NM 990: Action Research (3 credits), NM 980: Thesis I (1 credit), and NM 981: Thesis II (4 credits) constitute the Nonprofit Management program’s master’s thesis project. Students may take Action Research after completing 5 core courses. Thesis I must be taken concurrently with Action Research. Thesis II is taken after the successful completion of Action Research and Thesis I.