Cold Formed Steel Design

The graduate project work in Cold Formed Twin Walled Steel Design is an opportunity for students in the faculty of civil engineering to explore the design and behavior of cold-formed twin walled steel structures. The project will focus on the design and analysis of twin walled steel structures, which consist of two parallel walls of cold-formed steel sheets that are connected by steel cross-members.

Through this project work, students will gain an understanding of the principles of cold-formed steel design and the behavior of twin walled steel structures. They will develop skills in structural analysis, numerical modeling, and design optimization, using software tools such as finite element analysis and computer-aided design.

The project work will also provide students with an opportunity to conduct experimental studies to validate their design concepts and to compare their results with numerical simulations. This will enable students to gain valuable experience in experimental testing, data analysis, and interpretation.

Graduates of this project work will be well-equipped to design and analyze cold-formed twin walled steel structures and to apply their knowledge to real-world projects. They will be valuable contributors to the field of civil engineering, particularly in the area of innovative and sustainable building design.

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