Welcome to the homepage of The Ultimate Picture Palace Community Cinema, the Community Benefit Society which has recently successfully raised the funds to purchase The Ultimate Picture Palace ltd.

Our Aims

Our aim is to ensure that the UPP continues to be a thriving part of a vibrant, diverse community – and through community ownership and empowerment, to significantly expand the social value of the cinema for our community in three key ways:

  • To entertain by enhancing local cultural life and well-being through the provision of a rich and varied programme of films in an affordable, welcoming space.

  • To inspire a life-long love of cinema for all and enrich lives, particularly young lives, with film-based learning opportunities and our shared cinema heritage.

  • To connect to otherwise underrepresented communities in the local area, expand and diversify audiences, and deepen community involvement with the cinema with volunteering opportunities and links with local community services.

Lights, Community, Action! Campaign Is A Success

Everyone who’s had a part in securing the future for The Ultimate Picture Palace – including its new community owners – can celebrate the exciting news that their beloved cinema will now be community-owned cinema and are looking forward to an exciting new chapter in its 111-year history.

The UPPCC Committee, on behalf of the shareholders, are currently working hard on finalising the purchase of the business. Once the transfer of the business is complete, we will communicate that with shareholders.


Following the Annual Members Meeting in November, you can now read the minutes online and find out all about the Society including who was elected on to the Management Committee. 

Our plan to keep the cinema on sound financial ground, improve the facilities, and expand our reach to underserved audiences.

Details of how to contribute to the community buy out by investing in the new community business.

Read the rules of our Community Benefit Society


Find out more about the finances of the UPPCC


A new inbox has been set up for you to contact the UPP Community Cinema Management Committee in case you have any questions about the running of the society, your shares etc. This will be monitored on a weekly basis.