Following the Annual Members Meeting in November, you can now read the minutes online and find out all about the Society including who was elected on to the Management Committee. 

At the meeting, we shared the news that the acquisition of the cinema by the Society was due to happen on Friday 25th November. Due to a last-minute accountancy issue on the seller’s side, this date now needs to be briefly delayed. We regret that this delay has occurred but have received assurance from the seller that as soon as this issue has been resolved that we will be able to complete the formal transfer of ownership of the cinema at the earliest opportunity. We will keep all Members updated about the purchase and if you have any specific questions, you are very welcome to get in touch.

Finally, an important administrative point about how to contact the UPP Community Cinema Management Committee if you have any questions about the running of the society, your shares etc. A new inbox has been set up for this purpose which will be monitored on a weekly basis:


Notes of Annual Members' meeting v.2 2022.pdf