個人活動(参加者の声)Student's voice


  • "日本語の会話を学び、すぐにフィードバックが聞けるのは本当にクールだ。"

  • "話す、聞く、読むを一度に練習できるのがよかったです。

  • "リスニングをやってみて、わからなかったら文章を公開し、それでもわからなかったら英訳を見せることができるのがよかったです。"

  • "実生活での応用やシチュエーション(Taxiに乗る、ホテルに行くなど)で言うべきことを教えてくれるのがとてもよかったです。"

  • "特に、いつか日本に行くことになったときに、とても役に立つフレーズがあると思います。さらに、日本語の練習ができ、そのフレーズを正しく言えたかどうか教えてくれるのもよかったです。日本語で考え、話す練習ができるので、とてもよかったです。

  • "VRでとてもリアルに体験できたので楽しかったです! 本当にその状況を体験しているかのようでした。

  • "初心者に適している - 日常的な状況での行動と適切な台詞を強制的に使わせる"

"Really cool to learn conversational Japanese and hear feedback right away."

"It was a good way to practice speaking, listening, and reading all at once.

"I liked how I could try listening and if I didn't understand, I could reveal the writing, and if I still didn't understand I could show the English translation."

"I really liked that they showed you real-life applications and what to say in situations (i.e. going on a Taxi or going to the hotel)."

"I think there are very useful phrases to learn especially if we decided to go to Japan one day. Additionally, I enjoyed that they had the ability to practice the Japanese, and they would tell you if you said the phrase correctly or not. Having the ability to respond back was very nice as I could practice my thinking and speaking in Japanese."

"It was fun for me because the VR made it very real! It was as if I was really experiencing the situation."

"Suitable for beginners - Forces us to act in an everyday situation and use the appropriate dialogues"






"The prompts asked for too specific of a response."

"Like other students pointed out, it is quite restrictive in what phrases it allows, so it is not very realistic. I think it would be best used as a fun reading/listening application."

"The con about Mondly is that sometimes when you say an answer that they do not expect, they would not accept it, and would make you say something else. It happened a few times when they asked me a question and I responded with はい or いいえ and they did not understand because it was not part of their expected answers."

"The choices we have to make when replying are too limited and specific. I think this is not too suitable for 303 students and above."