




参加者:カルガリー大学の学生 計8名


実施形態:オンライン (ZOOM)

使用機材:Oculus Quest 2 10台 (2台は講師用)

使用アプリ: Mondly 、VRChat

プロジェクトのスケジュール / Project Schedule

2/17-2/21 Post the assignments to Padlet

How do we learn Japanese with VR? What are VR's pros and cons?

Find out what apps will help you to learn Japanese with VR.

2/21 (Monday) Oculus Quest 2 Delivery

Assistants, Sharp sense and Ishikawa will deliver oculus quest 2 to your house

2/22- 2/24 1 hour zoom gathering 2-3 times

with your group members

Assistants will arrange Zoom meetings

Try Mondly (VR language app) (You will get a gift pin cord by email)

Join VRchat Japanese world (Link will be provided on Padlet)

Post screenshots or recorded videos to Facebook Group and write comments

2/25 (Friday) 3-4 p.m. Join Guest Speakers VR Zoom meeting

Meet Japanese teachers from Taiwan and US in VR world

2/26 2/27 Picked up Oculus Quest 2

Assistants, Sharp sense and Ishikawa will pick up your oculus quest 2 at your house

Submit Questionnaire form on Padlet