Local Motion Project

With Co-Artistic Directors Sara Lavan and Kylie Murray

What is your favorite thing about dance?

Murray: For me, it's learning how to relax. Which is like an ongoing goal for me. But I am a very, like, hold my breath kind of person, tense muscles kind of person, get it right kind of person. And as I learned to let go of that in dance, I can transition [that] to other areas in my life.

It's also just joyful and fun. Like, I just enjoy it. I've always loved moving and– I didn't say I was a dancer until probably a year or two ago. But, looking back, and just seeing how I've always school dances [and] learning choreography. I loved dancing in my bedroom. Like, it's just is something that was been a part of me, that just feels good.

Lavan: And for me, it's like kind of almost opposite. Like, it energizes me. I'm not... I'm an energetic thinker, I'm not energetic physically. And dancing is a place where I feel like I bring my fullest expression. And because I'm a trained dancer, like, it was not always joyful. It was hard, and it was painful. And it was shaming and it was looking at yourself in the mirror. And every day, I could not wait to go back. Because there's so much good in it too.

Excerpted from an interview conducted by Reyna Berry.

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