Laboratory for Battery Research and Innovation

Welcome to LBRI

       We are a battery research and innovation laboratory located in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW Sydney. Our team specializes in diverse aspects of electrochemical energy storage research. While achieving competitive performance across families of electrochemical storage devices is the broad focus, a realistic understanding of those systems, which is crucial for translating materials and component level performance into device-level metrics, constitutes the core motivation.

Key areas of research expertise:


Dec/2023- Yuan's work on electrolyte additives for aqueous Zinc batteries with the application of machine learning in the discovery process is published in Advanced Materials. (Wiley)

Jan/2023 - Our commentary & analysis on the translational development of aqueous Zn-ion batteries was published in Joule.  

March /2021 - Christian successfully defended his PhD thesis 'Understanding, Optimization and Development of All-Solid-State Lithium and Sodium Metal Batteries'.  

March /2021 - Christian's work on understanding the stack pressure dilemma in sulfide electrolyte-based solid-state Li batteries got accepted in Advanced Materials Interfaces. (Wiley)

Dipan's and Priyank's team together at Christmas Dinner 2023

LBRI members attending IMLB 2022 @ Sydney (June, 2022)